
I hope people are not under the impression that unemployment will help them significantly

I was laid off in March and my unemployment is still processing. Not denied, processing. Even after it’s done processing the max is 1200 a month, which is absolutely nothing. Fortunately I got another job that pays great but unemployment literally would not keep me off the streets here in NC. I see people talking about filing for unemployment like it’s the big secret and you’re cool as a cucumber if you get fired as long as you can do unemployment but for me it would not have helped one single iota.

I was laid off in March and my unemployment is still processing. Not denied, processing. Even after it’s done processing the max is 1200 a month, which is absolutely nothing. Fortunately I got another job that pays great but unemployment literally would not keep me off the streets here in NC. I see people talking about filing for unemployment like it’s the big secret and you’re cool as a cucumber if you get fired as long as you can do unemployment but for me it would not have helped one single iota.

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