
I intend to quit my job on Monday… help.

I work for a health care clinic in Sweden as an administrator. I've worked here for about 3,5 years now. I make about $16,5/h and I get an annual pay increase of 2%. I've got a college degree in this field and I'll pay off my student loans til I'm 50 or so (college is free in Sweden but not rent+food). When I started my job i got no training, one of my colleagues quit after i had worked for 3 days and the other was fired a few weeks later, which meant that I had to do 3 people's job for months until my new colleague was hired. We still didn't get a 3rd colleague but managed to make it work. When we asked for new office chairs (the ones we had were 20+ years old) my boss agreed to buy one, not two, and she bought a cheap…

I work for a health care clinic in Sweden as an administrator. I've worked here for about 3,5 years now. I make about $16,5/h and I get an annual pay increase of 2%. I've got a college degree in this field and I'll pay off my student loans til I'm 50 or so (college is free in Sweden but not rent+food). When I started my job i got no training, one of my colleagues quit after i had worked for 3 days and the other was fired a few weeks later, which meant that I had to do 3 people's job for months until my new colleague was hired. We still didn't get a 3rd colleague but managed to make it work. When we asked for new office chairs (the ones we had were 20+ years old) my boss agreed to buy one, not two, and she bought a cheap thing that we take turns using. After i worked there for about a year, i was verbally abused by one of the doctors. I had questioned his way of emphasizing female patients looks (clothing, nails, hair, make up) in his patients' records. He told me to shut up and never say a word to him again. He told me i was an idiot and that i should never ever question him or have an independent thought again. I went to my boss to report him and she told me “I think you are taking this too personally”. There were no repercussions for him.

My colleague went on maternity leave in September and i was left with a new colleague, fresh out of college and with zero experience. A few weeks later my boss also hired a very young and also totally inexperienced guy (this was his first job -ever-) and I was stuck with trying to train two totally new employees and also trying to do the work of 3 people. I hit a wall and went on sick leave for weeks due to stress. My boss said she “only tried to help me” when she hired my new colleagues and that they're probably not very quick learners.

One of my new colleagues (let's call her X) has been treated very badly by our boss. She hasn't been allowed to work from home even though every one else is. Neither me nor she have been allowed to work from home at all even though we have medical diagnoses that increase our risk of dying when/if we get infected with COVID 19. Our boss has also asked me and other colleagues about X's sick days and performance at work but has never asked X face to face. I refused to answer her questions. Our boss has been micromanaging us like crazy these last months and giving us tasks like change all of our information posters just to add a word that changes nothing of the original message. When we had a lot of people infected with covid-19 coming up to the reception desk we raised this with her and she blamed us that the signs outside were not clear enough (they definitely were) to keep sick people away. I asked her to do something about the fact that we had a lot of people every day who came up to our office and were infected with covid-19 and she said that there was nothing she could do about it.

X resigned yesterday and my boss took it very cooly at first. She then called my original co-worker, who is still on maternity leave, and asked her to call me because “Lovedone1 gets so stressed out and worried so easily because she is bipolar, it's best if you call her and give her some reassurance now when X has resigned.” I have been stressed but not because X has resigned, only because my boss has been on my ass the last year or so. I have bipolar type 2 and told my boss that when I started this job. My boss thinks it's because I'm bipolar that I had to be on sick leave back in September, not because the workload was too much. X also told me that my boss told her that I'm bipolar and stresses easily. I didn't tell my boss in confidence but I am not ok with her throwing it around like this and blames my illness for her shortcomings and mistakes.

Sorry for the long post but i plan to resign on Monday.These things are just some of the shit she's pulled for the last 3,5 years. I'm just gonna go into her office, tell her i quit and then walk out without discussion. I have several interviews already and I'm positive I'll get another job. I have 12 weeks (!) of mandatory notice so it'll be a hellish 3 months but i doubt I'll care. Can I do anything else to make my boss' life shit? I'm scared as hell but I just can't do this anymore.

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