
I Just Don’t Care

I have been slacking off at work for months now. Like, maybe doing a couple of hours of work for every day that I'm here. I'm exhausted. The last time I had time off work, it was because I had COVID. I've been working 55 hours a week for 2 years without ever getting paid for overtime. I know that I should care, that this job is how I survive, I spend about 50% of my waking hours here, and I actually like what I do most of the time. I just… don't care. I wait. I wait for 5:30 to roll around so I can go home and have 2 hours to do what I need to do. I wait for the weekend to roll around so I can make some kind of a life out of 2 days, and to catch up on sleep. I just. Don't. Care.

I have been slacking off at work for months now. Like, maybe doing a couple of hours of work for every day that I'm here. I'm exhausted. The last time I had time off work, it was because I had COVID. I've been working 55 hours a week for 2 years without ever getting paid for overtime.

I know that I should care, that this job is how I survive, I spend about 50% of my waking hours here, and I actually like what I do most of the time. I just… don't care. I wait. I wait for 5:30 to roll around so I can go home and have 2 hours to do what I need to do. I wait for the weekend to roll around so I can make some kind of a life out of 2 days, and to catch up on sleep. I just. Don't. Care.

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