
I just found out my co worker makes $9/hr

Yall this is fucked. The man lives alone and is in his late 20's. Other employees complain to me about how he smells. Turns out the guy can't afford to keep his water on so he can't shower. By his account he grew up in poverty and left school to work to help his family. Whether that's true or not I can't say, but the company pays him half of any other new hire due to his education level. He's also “not eligible for a raise” as he is capped at $9 without an education. The fuck is that shit? I make, quite literally, more in a single week than he does in his entire month of work. I'm just finding this out now, so I haven't seen hr over the matter yet, but my boss says company policy maintains he won't receive a raise or get any training in…

Yall this is fucked. The man lives alone and is in his late 20's. Other employees complain to me about how he smells. Turns out the guy can't afford to keep his water on so he can't shower. By his account he grew up in poverty and left school to work to help his family. Whether that's true or not I can't say, but the company pays him half of any other new hire due to his education level. He's also “not eligible for a raise” as he is capped at $9 without an education. The fuck is that shit? I make, quite literally, more in a single week than he does in his entire month of work. I'm just finding this out now, so I haven't seen hr over the matter yet, but my boss says company policy maintains he won't receive a raise or get any training in specific operations without a ged. All he's allowed to do is mop or assist other people in basic operator tasks (we work in a factory) whilst not being able to be basically an actual employee on the floor or paid as one. Basically just menial unnecessary bullshit

E: this is in the us and based on USD in a moderate cost of living area. Not dirt cheap but not major city expensive

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