
I just got fired as a sub from a construction site because I won’t work weekends and I don’t do slave labour for £10 an hour

Literally just got off the phone from being fired, by someone else other than the manager because he's a coward who was too scared to do it face to face. They did the thing where they soften up a way of saying “You won't agree to do slave labour and your car broke down last week, so you're fired.” I had management try to bully me into weekend work while I was there, and another bullied me into lifting things that needed lifting with a truck, where I hurt my already injured back. Construction industry bosses are so toxic, the whole industry is full of snakes. Anyone else had some bad experiences in construction?

Literally just got off the phone from being fired, by someone else other than the manager because he's a coward who was too scared to do it face to face. They did the thing where they soften up a way of saying “You won't agree to do slave labour and your car broke down last week, so you're fired.”
I had management try to bully me into weekend work while I was there, and another bullied me into lifting things that needed lifting with a truck, where I hurt my already injured back.
Construction industry bosses are so toxic, the whole industry is full of snakes.
Anyone else had some bad experiences in construction?

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