
I just love working countless hours of unpaid OT because of my company’s incompetence :)

I need to vent. I'm sorry if the formatting sucks; I'm on my phone. I have a salaried position at a large financial services corporation. My job requires me to work a lot in Excel using large batches of data. I have to do this IN ADDITION to the regular, everyday tasks I do that already take up my entire workday. The company I work for buys some of the cheapest, shittiest CRM (customer relationship management) software. The system I use to pull data from for reports is incapable of including some of the most basic and crucial information I need. Some of it is also manually entered by other employees with little to no regard for accuracy. So this leads to numerous lines of data having fields that are straight up incomplete or incorrect. So instead of being able to reliably pull the information I know is accurate, I…

I need to vent. I'm sorry if the formatting sucks; I'm on my phone.

I have a salaried position at a large financial services corporation. My job requires me to work a lot in Excel using large batches of data. I have to do this IN ADDITION to the regular, everyday tasks I do that already take up my entire workday.

The company I work for buys some of the cheapest, shittiest CRM (customer relationship management) software. The system I use to pull data from for reports is incapable of including some of the most basic and crucial information I need. Some of it is also manually entered by other employees with little to no regard for accuracy. So this leads to numerous lines of data having fields that are straight up incomplete or incorrect.

So instead of being able to reliably pull the information I know is accurate, I am forced to manually go through every single line and go into another equally shitty system to verify some of the info. For hundreds or THOUSANDS of lines. Sometimes I even have to contact other departments because it's impossible to confirm some of the info with the data alone. These reports can take up to seven or eight hours to do.

And sometimes I get asked to do these reports just a few hours before they're needed… Because they're the most “important” thing I do, I literally have to drop everything else to do them… even when I'm extremely busy and already working 11+ hours a day… and even though nearly everything I do already has a rigid due date.

Fuck this company. Fuck them for forcing me to use what is supposed to be my free time to do work that SHOULD be unnecessary, just because they're incapable of any semblance of forethought and don't give a shit about their employees' quality of life.

Fuck them for paying me dogshit when I usually work well over 40 hours a week and when our department has saved them hundreds of thousands—maybe even millions—of dollars. Fuck them for forcing us to come into the office (40 hours and $120 for travel for me per month) when our department was able to efficiently work from home for over a year during COVID with no issues. And fuck me for being trapped here, unable to get another job that pays me enough to support myself and my SO because the department I'm in is niche and I have no degree.

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