
I just quit my first ever job

I just quit the first job I've ever gotten. I feel amazing. This place sucks. The pay was okay when I was 15-16 but after that they wouldn't give me a raise and would guilt me to stay because they were understaffed and I was the only person who stayed. So I, as a full time high schooler, got a second job that payed better. They guilted me about having to take time away from this job but I needed money. Now I'm graduated and about to go to college so I need money. They laughed at me asking for a raise and told me I need to be a good role model to the new workers and be more enthusiastic about my job. So I quit. I told them they can work me until another employee gets back from surgery. I should have quit a while ago. They broke…

I just quit the first job I've ever gotten. I feel amazing. This place sucks. The pay was okay when I was 15-16 but after that they wouldn't give me a raise and would guilt me to stay because they were understaffed and I was the only person who stayed. So I, as a full time high schooler, got a second job that payed better. They guilted me about having to take time away from this job but I needed money. Now I'm graduated and about to go to college so I need money. They laughed at me asking for a raise and told me I need to be a good role model to the new workers and be more enthusiastic about my job. So I quit. I told them they can work me until another employee gets back from surgery. I should have quit a while ago. They broke so many child labor laws because no one else cared to learn to do my job so I would have to come in every day even though I was only legally allowed to work 6 days a week. They call me at my other job because they need me. I asked to train someone else to do my job and they laughed. I have a friend who still works here and I told him he's the only one who can call me for help, everyone else will be ignored. I'm curious to see how it goes. The only vacation I ever took while working here they called me every day with a new issue. I was out for surgery for a week once and they called me because they needed me. They'd call me when I was at school. I was supposed to be promoted to assistant manager two years ago but the manager highered her kid to be assistant manager instead.

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