
I just quit my job.

Sorry for formatting, on mobile. I have worked for a very popular hotel chain for the last 10 months. From the get go there has been nothing but problems, from being forced into work when I was ill, forcing me to come into work when I was supposed to be at university, and failing to pay me my paternity pay; Today was the final straw. My grandmother passed away on Monday, after a short battle with cancer. My genera manager offered me Tuesday off, I said that I would work Tuesday and Wednesday as I’d rather be keeping busy and take my mind off it. I had one request however, to not work Mother’s Day (UK). My family would visit my grandmother every Mother’s Day. We’d spend the day there, eating a roast dinner, laughing joking, and ending the day with a movie. I felt and still feel that it’s…

Sorry for formatting, on mobile.

I have worked for a very popular hotel chain for the last 10 months. From the get go there has been nothing but problems, from being forced into work when I was ill, forcing me to come into work when I was supposed to be at university, and failing to pay me my paternity pay; Today was the final straw. My grandmother passed away on Monday, after a short battle with cancer. My genera manager offered me Tuesday off, I said that I would work Tuesday and Wednesday as I’d rather be keeping busy and take my mind off it. I had one request however, to not work Mother’s Day (UK). My family would visit my grandmother every Mother’s Day. We’d spend the day there, eating a roast dinner, laughing joking, and ending the day with a movie. I felt and still feel that it’s going to be a very hard day for me, and want to spend it with my dad and grandad. I was told by my General Manager that she would arrange cover. I turn up today and check the rota, there’s been no change. I thought that she might’ve just forgotten to change the rota but had secured the cover as promised. I messaged her and asked what was happening. The response I got just made my blood boil.

My manager told me that she had been too busy and had forgotten to get it covered. Let me explain something about this GM. She is without a shadow of a doubt the worst manager I have ever had. I am in constant shock that the hotel runs at all. If not for the staff that do tasks well beyond their pay grade, that hotel wouldn’t run. She would leave me on shift at 9pm, 2 hours from finish. Then make me pour her ‘free’ wine, because she was ‘too tired’. None of the jobs she’s supposed to do get done when she’s at work, let alone when she’s not. So she said she’d been too busy but had been off work for the last week. Not holiday, she just changed the rota so she wasn’t in.
I asked for clarification if she was going to get the cover. She said she was sorry but she would not and I would have to come in tomorrow. I was absolutely gob snacked. This is a woman who when her father got cancer (he’s still alive) last year, she took 3 whole months off work. The area manager even congratulated me and the other staff on covering her through her difficult time. This woman, was telling me I couldn’t have 1 day off. For me, this was the last straw. I told her that covering me tomorrow doesn’t matter, I won’t be there and effective immediately I am resigning. I left work just over an hour ago, deleted WhatsApp and have ignored 6 phone calls. I feel so relieved, like this huge weight is off my shoulders. Never stay in a work place that doesn’t value you, or your family.

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