
I just quit my job of 3 years over a sandwich.

And I don't regret it. Story: I (27f) have worked for a consumer goods company in the UK as a writer for almost 3 years. I don't hate the work that I do, but I've been slowly disengaging since management mandated all staff return to the office full time after covid (with zero flexibility to work from home despite proving we are just as efficient). The management styles in this place are diabolical. The sick pay policy is quite frankly cruel. And office culture is well… not something I'm interested in. Management also decided they would not source cover for my colleague's 12-month maternity stint, so my team of 3 has been doing the work of 4 people for the last few months. But what was the straw that broke my back? Half a BLT sandwich. For context, employees are allowed to snack at our desks, but meals are forbidden.…

And I don't regret it.

I (27f) have worked for a consumer goods company in the UK as a writer for almost 3 years. I don't hate the work that I do, but I've been slowly disengaging since management mandated all staff return to the office full time after covid (with zero flexibility to work from home despite proving we are just as efficient). The management styles in this place are diabolical. The sick pay policy is quite frankly cruel. And office culture is well… not something I'm interested in. Management also decided they would not source cover for my colleague's 12-month maternity stint, so my team of 3 has been doing the work of 4 people for the last few months.

But what was the straw that broke my back? Half a BLT sandwich.

For context, employees are allowed to snack at our desks, but meals are forbidden. Just days earlier my manager bought in cakes, crisps and ice cream for us all to enjoy. And for a colleague's birthday last week we ate sausage rolls, pork pies and cupcakes. But back to the story: I'm over worked, under paid, stressed and hungry while sat at my desk, typing away. I reach into my bag to retrieve half a BLT sandwich, thinking “this will get me through until lunch time and I will finally complete the mammoth task I've been working on”. I take a bite when suddenly my manager meets my eye as she happens to walk by.
“What's that?!” she asks with a horrified expression. “A sandwich” I say.
“Oh no no no, you know the rules.”
“I'm stressed and hungry and I can't wait until lunch break.”
At this point she demands I get up from my desk and starts lording over me like I'm a child in detention. She's acting like the arbitrary difference between a sausage roll and half a BLT is the be all and end all of office life and her despotic rules. So I quit. I told her I didn't want to work for her anymore because it's making me miserable. I said I would work my notice period but that then I'm gone. And I'm so proud of myself. I truly believe I'll find another, better job easily.

TLDR: My manager allows us to eat snacks but not meals at our desks. I quit over the arbitrary difference between a sausage roll and half a BLT.

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