
I just quit without notice for the first time in my life (in part because they wanted me to work the same day of my surgery)

Just wanted to share some of the crazy shit this employer did, which were all reasons why I decided to quit. For reference, I’m in my 40s and it’s always been drilled into me that I should always give 2 weeks’ notice. Friendly reminder that NO, no you don’t. The department allowed some people to work 100% remote but everyone else was “hybrid”. The company defines hybrid as “in office up to 5 days per week” (LOL) but for the most part it was 3 required days in office per week. So even though you might be doing the same exact job as your coworker, one of you is at home and the other is in the office most of the week. There was no clear rhyme or reason for why some folks were remote and others weren’t. Every time I asked about it, I was told some gibberish about…

Just wanted to share some of the crazy shit this employer did, which were all reasons why I decided to quit. For reference, I’m in my 40s and it’s always been drilled into me that I should always give 2 weeks’ notice. Friendly reminder that NO, no you don’t.

  • The department allowed some people to work 100% remote but everyone else was “hybrid”. The company defines hybrid as “in office up to 5 days per week” (LOL) but for the most part it was 3 required days in office per week. So even though you might be doing the same exact job as your coworker, one of you is at home and the other is in the office most of the week. There was no clear rhyme or reason for why some folks were remote and others weren’t. Every time I asked about it, I was told some gibberish about “structure”.
  • As a hybrid worker, we were required to chart out what days we planned on being in the office each week. Then the bosses would call or message us to make sure we were actually in office on those days. One day my boss heard emergency vehicles through our virtual call and didn’t believe that I was actually in the office because of that. I had to come on camera and show her how close to the windows I was sitting to prove that it was possible to hear road noise while in the office.
  • The team is spread out over 5 states, meaning ALL of the meetings are virtual calls. This sort of exacerbates the animosity felt by the hybrid workers, who are coming into the office to do nothing but sit on virtual calls. I never once had an IRL meeting with anyone.
  • The company decided to make Juneteenth an official company holiday, which is great. What’s not great is that they took 8 hours of PTO away from everyone to “make up” for it.
  • The company made record profits of over one billion dollars in 2021 but handed out 2% to 3% raises with the excuse that the company didn’t meet its goals.
  • At my location, we were experiencing a pretty big snowstorm. The local office told hybrid workers to stay home and stay safe. My boss, who lives in a different location, said “we don’t follow the directives of the local office”.
  • Among my coworkers, the consensus was that nobody wanted to work on projects with the Director. People were legit afraid of her. If you didn’t agree with her on something, she would say it was because you just didn’t know what you were doing. She often belittled people in front of others during large virtual meetings. She made fun of one lady’s (really good) idea and about a month later that lady transferred out to another department.
  • One of the bosses was so nitpicky that people were hesitant about her reviewing their projects. On one of my projects, I got “talked to” about having an extra space here and there between sentences. Another person got a similar “discussion” about extra spaces. Important note: these were the equivalent of powerpoint slides, not something that an extra space even matters.
  • I ended up needing surgery for a health issue. My boss wanted to know if I was planning to log in and get some work done on the morning of the surgery. This is the reason I decided not to give notice – because it was plainly clear they didn’t care even a little bit about me or what I was going through.

All of this took place in a little over six months (and this isn’t even HALF of what I experienced). I’ve never wanted to leave a job so fast and I’m the kind of person who typically stays at jobs for 5+ years at a time. The company turnover is up 50% since 2019 and it’s pretty easy to see why. When they would have big HR meetings about the turnover, the excuse was that “it’s the pandemic”. Yeah, no. In the department I was in, 2 people quit right before me and another person turned in their notice on the same day I quit. When I was interviewing for this job they told me they had a lot of turnover, but said that people often “promote out of the department”. Now I know why, lol. It sucks because the team itself is chock-full of some HIGHLY talented and experienced people (that I’m so happy I got to work with and learn from), but the company and leadership treat everyone like unruly, ignorant children.

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