
I just received an offer letter

And I’m so irritated and upset. Some background: I’ve worked in a nicer restaurant in an affluent city for the last three years as a server/hourly supervisor. The restaurant I work at is right on the water in the PNW, so we are extremely busy in the summer and pretty slow in the winter. The company is a local chain of sorts, we have around 10 restaurants in the area, but still a smaller company. Over the three years I’ve worked there I’ve gone above and beyond my normal duties and have always worked extremely hard for the company. During covid shutdowns when we couldn’t hire people, I worked three weeks in a row with Joe breaks, I’ve done whatever they’ve asked of me without complaining, I’ve gone to different stores to help manage when they’re understaffed and I never call out sick. The restaurant I work at makes around…

And I’m so irritated and upset. Some background: I’ve worked in a nicer restaurant in an affluent city for the last three years as a server/hourly supervisor. The restaurant I work at is right on the water in the PNW, so we are extremely busy in the summer and pretty slow in the winter. The company is a local chain of sorts, we have around 10 restaurants in the area, but still a smaller company.

Over the three years I’ve worked there I’ve gone above and beyond my normal duties and have always worked extremely hard for the company. During covid shutdowns when we couldn’t hire people, I worked three weeks in a row with Joe breaks, I’ve done whatever they’ve asked of me without complaining, I’ve gone to different stores to help manage when they’re understaffed and I never call out sick.

The restaurant I work at makes around $7 million a year, they gave me an offer letter to be a salaried manager at our slowest store in the company, but that store still makes around $3 million a year. Covid was not hard on our restaurant, despite some of the strictest Covid procedures in the country and staffing issues we posted the best sales in the history of our company last summer and this year is already on pace to beat that. We are owning new restaurants in two new states this year.

They offered me 56k a year and they expect managers to work 50 hour work weeks. They justified the lower number because I don’t have much manager experience and I’m pretty young (m25) I live in a state with one of the highest costs of living.

I know restaurant management is known for this kind of stuff, but I’m still so upset. I feel stuck, I don’t have any other marketable skills besides customer service, but at this rate I’ll never be able to afford a house.

Im sorry this is so rambley and jumbled, I’m not good at writing and I’m just really upset and needed to vent.

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