
I just sent my manager a recruiters information

My managers manager recently changed and the new guy is a micromanaging a hole. Making changes that are very obviously made by someone who has never done the job because of how stupid they are. I mentioned how I was upset about all these changes and how this was just gonna make people leave faster. We already are losing someone about once a month. To my surprise he agreed. He also mentioned that he didn’t know how much longer he was going to be with the company since it seemed like his boss was out to get him. This man is normally very happy. But today it was like talking to a whole new person. His voice seemed like he had lost all hope to live. So I tried to lighten the mood. I mentioned I could send him a recruiters information as a joke. The man has been with…

My managers manager recently changed and the new guy is a micromanaging a hole. Making changes that are very obviously made by someone who has never done the job because of how stupid they are. I mentioned how I was upset about all these changes and how this was just gonna make people leave faster. We already are losing someone about once a month.

To my surprise he agreed.

He also mentioned that he didn’t know how much longer he was going to be with the company since it seemed like his boss was out to get him.

This man is normally very happy. But today it was like talking to a whole new person. His voice seemed like he had lost all hope to live.

So I tried to lighten the mood. I mentioned I could send him a recruiters information as a joke. The man has been with the company for 15 years no way in hell did I think he would say yes.

His response? Was to text it to him. He didn’t want his manager to know that he was looking for a new job. He didn’t want to give them a reason to fire him.

I was going back and forth on if I should stay. Honestly after that conversation I feel like I need to leave. I mean that is a big red flag. If they are treating tenured managers like that what hope do I have as a lowly peon?

Guess I need to update my resume again.

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