
I just walked out of a shitshow after my second day.

Sorry, I am on mobile. And this is a long rant, but has important information and lots of details. Also I am typing quickly so there may be run-on sentences. I was hired rather quickly at a “Retirement Village” as a housekeeper. I was told it would start at $11 an hour but raises would come quick and there would be bonuses and multiple raises. I spent all day on a zoom meeting doing orientation with the presenter and many people from other states who are new hires for different staff positions within the system. The turnover rate is so high, they actually have a person hired full-time just to present the orientation. Daily. And it is across a few states but it is not a big company by any means. Coming on, I was bombarded with tests, and so much paperwork. Understandable. But so much of the paperwork had…

Sorry, I am on mobile. And this is a long rant, but has important information and lots of details. Also I am typing quickly so there may be run-on sentences.

I was hired rather quickly at a “Retirement Village” as a housekeeper. I was told it would start at $11 an hour but raises would come quick and there would be bonuses and multiple raises. I spent all day on a zoom meeting doing orientation with the presenter and many people from other states who are new hires for different staff positions within the system. The turnover rate is so high, they actually have a person hired full-time just to present the orientation. Daily. And it is across a few states but it is not a big company by any means. Coming on, I was bombarded with tests, and so much paperwork. Understandable. But so much of the paperwork had conflicting information, it was unreal. And I was supposed to have someone onsite to check on me and help with any questions I had during orientation. It is considerably understaffed, and for good reason. The place is a shitshow. I had to track down random people to ask any question, and was prompted to ask many that no one had an answer to. The people who were supposed to be available went home early and did not tell me. The administrator had to work overnight the night before because people keep not showing up and the night manager who was supposed to take over did not even call. Everyone is overworked and doing the jobs of several people and not getting paid for it. There were still so many unanswered and conflicting situations that no one had time to clarify.

Another weird thing is there is some points system for pay? Like “bonus points” from some arbitrary set up of unattainable goals. Some tasks were from a totally different staff position that any one person would not actually have access to. And the “system” was set up like a pyramid scheme. They mostly talked about that during orientation. Like for 3 hours. Then after earning very few points, they try to shame you into “donating” said points to different people and places, as it supposedly turns into a little bit of money here and there. This is a retirement community. There is no room for that. There are no sales. This is healthcare. They boast the company has “over 800 CEOs” because they use the term so loosely that “anyone can do it, with a lot of hard work and (constant) sacrifice.”

Apparently they hired several people on promising them one job, because the pay is low to start. I don't need much. It was supposed to be part time and low hassle, and I was fine with that. (I have a family and am the main caretaker of my two children. My husband has a great job and he just found out he will be travelling for it soon.) Then they mentioned working way more hours without notice and even switching shifts sometimes. Several people walked out on or after the first day because they we clearly duped, as was I. Then the administrator/HR woman who hired me (in a hurry, now I know because no one else will take the job) mentioned how “people keep quitting because you can make the same or more money flipping burgers these days.” That made my blood boil. What a great excuse and way of admitting that THEY DO NOT PAY ENOUGH FOR THE JOB. Especially upon finding out that there is a lot more to it. So I did not miss a beat and replied, “Well inflation is a very real thing and what I was told I would be paid is really not that much, and certainly not enough to live on. No one can afford to work this much for so little pay.” She had nothing to say to that. How rude to admit your feelings, as a boss, that you view most people as below you and not worth a livable wage because of the type of job you choose/get hired for.

Then comes the training. There was supposed to be a training area (on any of the 2 broken down computers they had in random places). Finally when we located an area to start training, I noticed that there were days worth of training for every job that I would have to complete. Things that are included in training for certifications and licenses for positions I was not hired for and knew nothing about. Things I would never use. I wasn't told initially but there's ongoing training that everybody has to do all of it once a month and you don't even get paid to do it but still have to come in early and stay late to complete. It takes a really long time And since I got hired on at the end of the month, I was told I had exactly 2 days to complete it. Yesterday was my orientation And this is literally 24 hours worth of work or more. My shift was Monday to Friday and I cannot come in on a weekend and they had no room for me anyway. I got about 30 to 45 minutes into the 1st module and it glitched. I did what it said to do multiple times and it wouldn't let me move forward because there was an issue with it. So I finally tracked some random person down to help me and she couldn't figure it out either. Turns out she was a manager that no one introduced me to. I never even got her name. Again, there are literally 6 people that work on day shift in the facility and I never learned her name. She tried for about 10 minutes to get it to work and she was really busy. She and the others had a lot to do as it was so I told her that I would save her some time. I told her that what they offered to pay was not nearly enough for everything that I was going to have to do and then I didn't even have time to complete it because of their oversight and poor planning. I told her I wasn't coming back. I said goodbye to everyone real quick and told them exactly why I was leaving and why they won't end up getting anybody to stay for any period of time and then I left. But not before trying to let the administrator know. And again, she was gone on yet another personal call and just left without telling anyone. Bullet dodged. What a waste of time.

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