
i just wanna have two sheep and attend them all day long..

This is for real, I'm doing my second master degree ( scholarship) , have 10 years of experience of working, applying and in active search for jobs.. But, im so nervous of the idea of going back to crazy managers, and bosses, and to be enslaved 6 days a week, 10 hours a day for a min of 450 usd.. Or even worse 7 days a week, 11 hours aday for 950..where i worked in an understaffed organization and had to do the job of 4 humans. I do not look forward for bosses who would tell me that i look very down today, and like a junky ( just bc i have under eye bags), and who claim i did not do my tasks when i actually did! – plz read yr fucking emails i did do that task.. A month ago – And do not let me start…

This is for real, I'm doing my second master degree ( scholarship) , have 10 years of experience of working, applying and in active search for jobs..

But, im so nervous of the idea of going back to crazy managers, and bosses, and to be enslaved 6 days a week, 10 hours a day for a min of 450 usd.. Or even worse 7 days a week, 11 hours aday for 950..where i worked in an understaffed organization and had to do the job of 4 humans.

I do not look forward for bosses who would tell me that i look very down today, and like a junky ( just bc i have under eye bags), and who claim i did not do my tasks when i actually did! – plz read yr fucking emails i did do that task.. A month ago –

And do not let me start on the ridiculous job application now adays, each application is a minimum 2 hours to 4 hours of writing, do expect me to believe that you guys read any of this? All of my free labor ends up as rejection emails..

I just want to have my small herd of sheep or i dnt know chicken and my small garden and provide for myself..
Why did humanity decided that such physical work is bad and that we need to be enslaved in fancy offices? ( my offie was not fancy, it did not even have a window)

It does sound like hopeless romantic.. But i just dont understand why i should be enslaved for minimum wage, when i can just roam around with my small herd for the same minimum wage? At least my mental health would be better and i wont continuesly feel like a piece of failure shit.

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