
I just wanna know if what my company is doing is legal..

I’m not gonna name the company cuz I’m scared I’m gonna get found out and I really need this job, but for context, I work in Australia in a part-time position. My workplace has this thing called the ‘shift amendment form’ (something like that, I don’t remember the exact name) and every time we work more hours than we’re rostered on for, we have to sign it. To sign it, you basically have to put down what hours you were scheduled on for and what hours you actually worked and sign to say that you agree to only getting paid for those hours (the hours you did work, eg say you worked 5-11 but you started earlier, 4-11, you would be getting paid your normal rate for the extra hour you did). I didn’t really think much of it, but one of my coworkers suspects that they do it to…

I’m not gonna name the company cuz I’m scared I’m gonna get found out and I really need this job, but for context, I work in Australia in a part-time position. My workplace has this thing called the ‘shift amendment form’ (something like that, I don’t remember the exact name) and every time we work more hours than we’re rostered on for, we have to sign it. To sign it, you basically have to put down what hours you were scheduled on for and what hours you actually worked and sign to say that you agree to only getting paid for those hours (the hours you did work, eg say you worked 5-11 but you started earlier, 4-11, you would be getting paid your normal rate for the extra hour you did). I didn’t really think much of it, but one of my coworkers suspects that they do it to avoid paying us overtime.. I wouldn’t really be surprised either, many people who work in here are either foreigners who aren’t really that well versed in Australian law or school students (ie this is their first job), so they could be taking advantage of our lack of knowledge idk. I’ve worked for this place for a while, and they didn’t have this form until just a year or so ago (I remember I used to get paid overtime back when I first started working here and worked extra hours), so I decided not to sign it once despite working extra to see what would happen, and I simply didn’t get paid for my extra time..
I dunno, this could be a normal thing but after what my coworker said, it does seem a bit sketchy.. I just want some advice, I’m pretty young myself so I’m not too sure either, this could be totally normal.. I’m not sure, if someone could give me some advice that would be very much appreciated 🙂

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