
I know this sub is all about sticking it to the establishment, but how do you guys even get interviews?

I struggle just to barely submit an application. Applications take up so much time and the fact that I have to write a new CV every time I apply to a new place. How do you guys do it? On top of guaranteeing an interview? I've applied to dozens of places and not a single email or call back. I always feel compelled to just jump off a bridge because of how debilitating it is just trying to apply to a new place. How do you guys manage to power through and not want to end things? ​ Edit: I'm also looking for advice on how to guarantee getting an interview

I struggle just to barely submit an application. Applications take up so much time and the fact that I have to write a new CV every time I apply to a new place. How do you guys do it? On top of guaranteeing an interview? I've applied to dozens of places and not a single email or call back. I always feel compelled to just jump off a bridge because of how debilitating it is just trying to apply to a new place. How do you guys manage to power through and not want to end things?

Edit: I'm also looking for advice on how to guarantee getting an interview

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