
I left my stupid easy job and now I am miserable

Last month I quit my cushy to travel around the country with my wife who is a traveling nurse. During this time we agreed that while I am not working I will take care of the house (hotel room), manage the finances and do cooking and cleaning. While being a trophy husband sounded like a dream come true, ultimately I’ve been finding myself to be very bored and downright miserable. My wife works nights and during the day she tends to just sleep, when she does wake up I feel as though all we do is talk about bills and what our next move is. While I know this is important I cannot feel but worn out by talking about this pretty much exclusively over the past month. Over this time I enrolled in the coding school which I start on Tuesday and I’m honestly very excited about it, but…

Last month I quit my cushy to travel around the country with my wife who is a traveling nurse. During this time we agreed that while I am not working I will take care of the house (hotel room), manage the finances and do cooking and cleaning. While being a trophy husband sounded like a dream come true, ultimately I’ve been finding myself to be very bored and downright miserable. My wife works nights and during the day she tends to just sleep, when she does wake up I feel as though all we do is talk about bills and what our next move is. While I know this is important I cannot feel but worn out by talking about this pretty much exclusively over the past month.

Over this time I enrolled in the coding school which I start on Tuesday and I’m honestly very excited about it, but part of me still misses my old job. For context I used to do BI for this company which is basically saying your insurance will pay this so you will pay this type of stuff to patients. The pay was very good and the office environment was very healthy. But here is where the magic really was. I found out that the system we used had a problem with tracking our productivity in any meaningful way so I began to take advantage of that. I started off small by communicating with my supervisor that our job didn’t really require me to be in the office and seeing if I could work hybrid for a while, only going in the office three days a week as traffic going to work was a nightmare but that’s not the point. While at home I would do about 10 packets every hour and then takes 30 minute interval breaks in between. Walk around make myself something to eat run to the corner store if I needed to, simple things. As time went on I really started pushing the limits of what I could do. I rarely went to the office at some points towards the end I only went about one day a week. The rest of my team worked out of state and from home and I was the only one that actually had to go into the office. I felt as though this is my own private revolution to that fact and no one seem to fight me on it. As time went on I kind of became a lazy schmuck when it came to my job though which I am ashamed to say. I’d be working on my couch on my laptop and fall asleep for an hour and barely get anything Done in a day. I did notice the same energy being given from my coworkers way earlier though so I didn’t feel too bad. I assume they figured out the same thing as me.

Closing in on a year into my job my wife had a falling out with her previous employer making her want to jump straight into traveling which was always her end goal. She’s actually a good wife and pushes me to be better so she convinced me to quit my job and give some thought into Figuring out what the next move is for myself. I didn’t finish college because my mother got really sick and I became her primary caregiver, Ever since I’ve just kind of been meandering through my 20s. For the most part I know that me quitting my job was for the best but ultimately I miss my coworkers the environment and the overall easiness of my job. To me it felt good to take advantage of this billion dollar company and basically just steal time but at the same time I felt like I had more control of my life in those months I did work there.

All in all I’m excited for this next phase and accept the fact that summer vacation is over effectively.

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