
I lied to the president of the company

The president of the company asked me why I didn’t want to join in the company hamburger cookout at lunch. I politely said, “oh, thanks, but no. I have actually stopped eating meat.” The truth is, everyone had to pay $5 to eat, but I feel like I would rather save my $5 for something with more value to me than a hamburger, like a gallon of gas for my car or a gallon of milk. The president is a millionaire and probably would not understand. I am sitting at my desk in peace and quiet, reading r/antiwork instead.

The president of the company asked me why I didn’t want to join in the company hamburger cookout at lunch. I politely said, “oh, thanks, but no. I have actually stopped eating meat.”

The truth is, everyone had to pay $5 to eat, but I feel like I would rather save my $5 for something with more value to me than a hamburger, like a gallon of gas for my car or a gallon of milk. The president is a millionaire and probably would not understand.

I am sitting at my desk in peace and quiet, reading r/antiwork instead.

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