
I love Anti-Work reddit

Hello guys, I am here to say that I feel each and everyone of you. We're going through some tough times because of corporate/wall street/bankers greed since 2009, COVID, and now probably WWIII. It's hard to blame, are all suffering. I am happy and glad how people are rising up to this bullshit! Back when I used to work, I refused to be a slave although I was getting paid good money. I resigned 3 times, last time it was 2018. It's communism at it's finest, they always socialize the losses and privatize the gains. You're always expendable. At the moment I am going into cryptocurrency, buying cheap coins hoping that it will 2000X in the future, I've invested in mining rigs to generate coins, also I buy from the exchanges sometimes. I mean they are automating the entire “WORLD” and doing work in real life must be rewarded with…

Hello guys,

I am here to say that I feel each and everyone of you. We're going through some tough times because of corporate/wall street/bankers greed since 2009, COVID, and now probably WWIII.

It's hard to blame, are all suffering. I am happy and glad how people are rising up to this bullshit! Back when I used to work, I refused to be a slave although I was getting paid good money. I resigned 3 times, last time it was 2018. It's communism at it's finest, they always socialize the losses and privatize the gains. You're always expendable.

At the moment I am going into cryptocurrency, buying cheap coins hoping that it will 2000X in the future, I've invested in mining rigs to generate coins, also I buy from the exchanges sometimes. I mean they are automating the entire “WORLD” and doing work in real life must be rewarded with so much MONEY if the machines can't do it.

Follow me on Twitter or DM me on twitter. I wish you all the best of luck, and I hope this shit will come to an end and we will see some good times ahead.

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