
I met fast food GM with BIGGEST BA\S anyone ever has had before last week…

I work fast food and am VASTLY underpaid, even for fast food. As I approach store to clock in, store next to us has big ad with STARTING PAY $2.50 over minimum which is $1.25 more than my 3 year shift manager rate. Instead of offering wage that only fools would accept, we just got delivery of NEW IMPROVED EVEN BIGGER we're hiring window sings. Almost as IF they were trying to hire! But THAT, my darlings, is a tale for another day! Today we're remembering how I was innocently standing behind register with GM at grill when THEY walked in. Both with that customer service smile you know is mostly habit as they approach so naturally I hit them with my scary friendly happiness. Unfazed, the male hands me bunch of business cards,as he's telling me he's GM of Popeyes about to open close and feel free to give…

I work fast food and am VASTLY underpaid, even for fast food. As I approach store to clock in, store next to us has big ad with STARTING PAY $2.50 over minimum which is $1.25 more than my 3 year shift manager rate. Instead of offering wage that only fools would accept, we just got delivery of NEW IMPROVED EVEN BIGGER we're hiring window sings. Almost as IF they were trying to hire!

But THAT, my darlings, is a tale for another day!

Today we're remembering how I was innocently standing behind register with GM at grill when THEY walked in. Both with that customer service smile you know is mostly habit as they approach so naturally I hit them with my scary friendly happiness.

Unfazed, the male hands me bunch of business cards,as he's telling me he's GM of Popeyes about to open close and feel free to give to any friends or coworkers looking for more hours. I'm still kinda smiling but mostly waiting for GM to wonder why no order and wander over when they leave.

I go slap the cards on taco bar next to her, tell her I'll be RIGHT BACK and head to walk in to laugh till I cry. Mostly because early. 50s THE CHANGE just began but also because damn dude!

And before you ask, I completely spaced asking pay!

When I emerged from my “cabin of coolness” as I've taught them to call it, GM looked confused. So I said, yes a rival GM just came in right in front of your face and tried stealing your workers. She asks me who does that and my answer?

Popeyes does apparently!

I'm never NOT amused at everything companies will try EXCEPT pay a wage that disqualifies me from getting food stamps on full time!


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