
i need help please :)

i work at a retail store. our official policy for shoplifting is: ask the “customer” if you can help them. “your great customer service will make them reconsider stealing”. i got promoted to a management position back in november. i would never even bat an eye at shoplifters until this. now i just ask them if they need help and make it obvious i’m watching them. i’ve never really encountered an issue until yesterday when i did just that and was physically assaulted by the man. yes, i was stupid, i should have just let him walk. it doesn’t matter, it was fairly frightening. long story short, i know if i somehow file a claim against the company, they’ll pay me to make it go away. for the time being i doubt i can make any difference and the money would help. any advice on how to go about this…

i work at a retail store. our official policy for shoplifting is: ask the “customer” if you can help them. “your great customer service will make them reconsider stealing”. i got promoted to a management position back in november. i would never even bat an eye at shoplifters until this. now i just ask them if they need help and make it obvious i’m watching them. i’ve never really encountered an issue until yesterday when i did just that and was physically assaulted by the man. yes, i was stupid, i should have just let him walk. it doesn’t matter, it was fairly frightening. long story short, i know if i somehow file a claim against the company, they’ll pay me to make it go away. for the time being i doubt i can make any difference and the money would help. any advice on how to go about this would be helpful. i hope i don’t sound like an asshole. thank you 🙂

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