
I need some advice. Can anyone tell me if I did the right thing? Because I’m feeling guilty when I’m not sure I should be.

So let me start from the beginning so that whoever reads this gets the full scope, I work in a retail location as a repair technician. A few weeks ago we had a new employee start who has caused nothing but issues since his first day. One day this employee asked me to show him where we can look at our pay stubs on our main computer. So I walked him through the process and he willingly opened it in front of me and started to ask questions about various things. During this, I noticed that this employee was hired with a higher salary that was more than what I was currently making with him having no experience in the field. I was expected to partially train him when my manager wasn't there. So I went to my District Manager, not to complain about his pay, but to ask for…

So let me start from the beginning so that whoever reads this gets the full scope, I work in a retail location as a repair technician. A few weeks ago we had a new employee start who has caused nothing but issues since his first day. One day this employee asked me to show him where we can look at our pay stubs on our main computer. So I walked him through the process and he willingly opened it in front of me and started to ask questions about various things. During this, I noticed that this employee was hired with a higher salary that was more than what I was currently making with him having no experience in the field. I was expected to partially train him when my manager wasn't there. So I went to my District Manager, not to complain about his pay, but to ask for more money for myself. When the conversation happened, I explained to my district manager the exact situation to which his response was “You guys are not allowed to talk about your pay” among other things. However, I did get the raise to be at the same amount my fellow employee was making. I was fine with that, same duties, same pay. Now, fast forward a few weeks and my manager needed a day off, it happened to be the day we did our inventory count, so I was asked to come in on my day off to do the inventory counts. After this was asked, I said that I don't think it's fair that I make the same as my other employee if I'm going to be looked at to do these sorts of tasks that are managerial duties. Mind you, there were other employees at the store who could have done the counts, but they asked me to come in on my day off to do them because the others aren't trustworthy. So I called my manager and told him that I may need to start looking for a new job if I'm going to be expected to help train other employees and do managerial tasks without getting a raise. In my mind, that seems fair. Again he wanted to remind me that we are not allowed to discuss other employees' pay with one another and then decided to go on a tangent about how I'm ungrateful and that he's lost all respect for me because of this. Am I in the wrong for my actions? Should I apologize? I thought about filing a complaint with my HR person about the situation because of how he acted during our most recent conversation. Any advice anyone? Thanks,

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