
I need to rant. But I’ll try to be succinct. Anybody offer advice?

So my girlfriend of 2 years started a new job in November in healthcare. She doesn’t work in hospitals or doctors offices, more of a private practice situation. Long story short, all 3 of her bosses have monopolized taking BOTH Mondays AND Fridays as their “days off”, they only allow the rest of their employees maybe one day off during the week. The big boss brags about needing the 4 days (that’s right, NEEDING) so her and her partner can go to their beach house every weekend (they’ve supposedly owned it for 15+ years), and the icing on the cake, which is why I’m here now. My girlfriend this weekend has been fighting some sort of a virus and has a fever of 102, plus uncontrollable coughing fits. She texted her boss a pic of our thermometer saying she probably won’t be able to come in due to her fever…

So my girlfriend of 2 years started a new job in November in healthcare. She doesn’t work in hospitals or doctors offices, more of a private practice situation. Long story short, all 3 of her bosses have monopolized taking BOTH Mondays AND Fridays as their “days off”, they only allow the rest of their employees maybe one day off during the week. The big boss brags about needing the 4 days (that’s right, NEEDING) so her and her partner can go to their beach house every weekend (they’ve supposedly owned it for 15+ years), and the icing on the cake, which is why I’m here now.

My girlfriend this weekend has been fighting some sort of a virus and has a fever of 102, plus uncontrollable coughing fits. She texted her boss a pic of our thermometer saying she probably won’t be able to come in due to her fever and feeling crappy. Makes sense working in healthcare, right? Well her boss replied essentially saying she still has to come in if she tests negative for Covid. “Just take some DayQuil in the morning before you get here and then you should be fine”. This is also her first potential sick day since starting.
I’m so incredibly livid for her.

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