
I often think i’m not as “mentally ill” and “difficult” as my diagnosis suggests.

ADHD is really just code for “doesn't get things done in the way capitalism demands” because nearly everyone I know with ADHD is a smart and capable person, they just don't do well with being forced to concentrate on mind-numbing shit for 8 hours a day with only a short lunch break to decompress. i'm expected to still be engaged by hour 7 and I'm fucking not. I have a “sleep disorder” which literally just means my body doesn't want to sleep/wake on capitalism's clock and I need 9.5 hours sleep. I sleep fucking FINE when allowed to go to bed between 2-5am and wake up between 11am-2pm. What my body won't do is sleep from 10pm-6am or even 11pm-7am but capitalism. Flexible work means I can often get away with a 10-6 schedule, but my best thinking hours are 4pm-12am, but not capitalism friendly so I need to medicate…

ADHD is really just code for “doesn't get things done in the way capitalism demands” because nearly everyone I know with ADHD is a smart and capable person, they just don't do well with being forced to concentrate on mind-numbing shit for 8 hours a day with only a short lunch break to decompress. i'm expected to still be engaged by hour 7 and I'm fucking not.

I have a “sleep disorder” which literally just means my body doesn't want to sleep/wake on capitalism's clock and I need 9.5 hours sleep. I sleep fucking FINE when allowed to go to bed between 2-5am and wake up between 11am-2pm. What my body won't do is sleep from 10pm-6am or even 11pm-7am but capitalism. Flexible work means I can often get away with a 10-6 schedule, but my best thinking hours are 4pm-12am, but not capitalism friendly so I need to medicate to try and survive. And I'm not allowed to take an hour or two from the world day to get my extra sleep, I have to take that from my free time.

I have “depression” because I see through the scam that is working full time – spending 5 days a week doing shit I hate with people I don't give a fuck about to “earn” basic fucking necessities and make someone else rich, having barely any time left over for enjoyment of life. Wanting to die to escape a world where I work more than I sleep and talk to co-workers more than friends and family means something is broken with me and I need to be medicated.

I have “anxiety” because micromanagement and the false sense of urgency created in society stresses me the fuck out. 99% of the messages sent to me on Teams and Outlook are not urgent at all.

I'm seen as “difficult” because I'm introverted and don't want to return to the office more than 1 day a week.

Fuck this. I'm way more fine than society thinks. I'm just sick of this shit.

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