
I once quit so hard my boss called the cops.

I used to work at a cell phone carrier store front, I had been there 5 years. I was a salesperson of the month multiple times and always had good numbers. I had a boss who was brought in as the store manager as part of a “college new hire program” despite many in store employees being way more qualified with life experience in cell phone sales for 15+ years. Eventually after she had ran off many of the veterans I was left to open the store one morning by myself while the manager was on the floor greeting people. She had the biggest hard on for micro-managing and always would stand over my shoulder being critical of how long I would take with each customer. She didn't have any work experience so there's that too. She would never open her own register. Well this time I had about a…

I used to work at a cell phone carrier store front, I had been there 5 years. I was a salesperson of the month multiple times and always had good numbers.

I had a boss who was brought in as the store manager as part of a “college new hire program” despite many in store employees being way more qualified with life experience in cell phone sales for 15+ years.

Eventually after she had ran off many of the veterans I was left to open the store one morning by myself while the manager was on the floor greeting people.

She had the biggest hard on for micro-managing and always would stand over my shoulder being critical of how long I would take with each customer. She didn't have any work experience so there's that too. She would never open her own register.

Well this time I had about a dozen different customers needing help and they were all lined up waiting and pissed.

My boss comes over while I'm trying to go as fast as possible and says in my ear ” Your taking too long, you need to move faster!”

I explained that each customer has specific needs and I must make sure they are completely satisfied to avoid a bad review call and get written up, again. (New Policy where she would replay our call reviews in team meetings where we all got to listen to customers tell us how horrible we were and even assault our appearance )

She didn't take a hint , so I turned around and asked her to come with me for a second to the back.

She followed me and immediately said , “WHATS THE DEAL!?”

I said , “I think I'm done here, I cant work like this.” to which she said “if you leave you know you can't come back.”

To which I simply said “what at poor choice of response.”

I took out my store keys and handed them to her much to her surprise and walked out of the store.

I turned around and leaned on the public rail and watched through the window as she tried to deal with all the customers and I smoked a cig.

She then went back to the back, pausing helping the customers ,and called the cops. She then tried to tell them I was loitering and wouldn't leave.

She also told them I was harassing the business.

The cops arrived and found out the truth and told her I did nothing wrong and I was allowed to be there on public property.

As she rolled her eyes at he police I reminded her that she's taking too long and the customers NEED her.

I watched for another 10 min and left. Fuck that. I may be petty, may be, but she could fuck right the hell off.

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