
I put my 2 weeks in, but I don’t want to finish them out.

My last day would be 2 days before my 4 year mark, I don't think I can make it another week. I've been looking for a way out for months, but I've always made excuses for myself. Wait until your learning disabled son's IEP is set up, wait until (other lady) gets back from vacation, wait til your dad is back to work after his surgery, wait until after your neurology appointment…ect. These things have all happened and I'm still freaking here. It's awful. The deal was when I started that I wouldn't have any heavy lifting…ya know, because I work in an office now. Guess who has been pulling the weight in the warehouse… spoiler.. it's me. 19 year guy just sits on the forklift. Both my biceps are have been torn, one repaired, waiting for the other. So working out in the warehouse has caused me to not…

My last day would be 2 days before my 4 year mark, I don't think I can make it another week. I've been looking for a way out for months, but I've always made excuses for myself. Wait until your learning disabled son's IEP is set up, wait until (other lady) gets back from vacation, wait til your dad is back to work after his surgery, wait until after your neurology appointment…ect. These things have all happened and I'm still freaking here. It's awful.

The deal was when I started that I wouldn't have any heavy lifting…ya know, because I work in an office now. Guess who has been pulling the weight in the warehouse… spoiler.. it's me. 19 year guy just sits on the forklift. Both my biceps are have been torn, one repaired, waiting for the other. So working out in the warehouse has caused me to not even be able to get a gallon of milk out of my fridge for days, my arms are like limp noodles. I finally started saying no, but boss would say I at least had to help.

Anytime I sit down at my desk to get something accomplished for someone else, he makes me full stop and go do something for him. Most times, things that can wait 20 minutes, but no…he's 51% owner so his word goes. I have legal/government forms that need to be done for the company and he doesn't understand that paperwork is more important than I fetching his lunch.

I think, my last straw was last week. I took a company vehicle to fill up. There was a pump malfunction and diesel sprayed everywhere. My entire body was covered in diesel fuel. I get back to the office, tell boss about it. He says oh well, there's work to be done and walked away. I spent the next 4 hours doused in fuel, stinking up the office, and had the worst headache ever. The next morning, I put my notice in. Lucky I even came back but I have bills to pay.

I feel like I'm being punished for quitting because he has doubled my work load since and has been trying to send me home early. 5 more days, please send good vibes

ETA: For my own financial safety, I can't just quit. My next surgery is August 5th so I'm making sure I have enough to cover bills while recovering. I don't have benefits here, so there is no short term disability for me to collect.

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