
I quit a job on my own accord but now everytime I shop there, managers and LP follow me around

I quit my job 2 weeks ago, I wasn't fired, I never got in trouble except for one instance where I wrote a “sorry were closed” sign for the department I worked in cus we had to close early. I didn't give a two weeks but I left a note saying why I was leaving and that they should seriously make some changes to that department and how they handle issues. After I left, a string of people I worked with left too, leaving the department from 12 workers down to 4. I did not encourage or tell them to leave at all, I left because management is toxic and I wasn't paid enough for the position they claim to give me as senority and to deal with all the bullshit they threw at me. Here's there thing, I shop there alot, my partner is still working there and I…

I quit my job 2 weeks ago, I wasn't fired, I never got in trouble except for one instance where I wrote a “sorry were closed” sign for the department I worked in cus we had to close early.

I didn't give a two weeks but I left a note saying why I was leaving and that they should seriously make some changes to that department and how they handle issues.

After I left, a string of people I worked with left too, leaving the department from 12 workers down to 4. I did not encourage or tell them to leave at all, I left because management is toxic and I wasn't paid enough for the position they claim to give me as senority and to deal with all the bullshit they threw at me.

Here's there thing, I shop there alot, my partner is still working there and I also do Instacart as a side gig. I don't steal. I pay for all my stuff, the customers I'm shopping for stuff etc. I'm respectful to everyone in there, I actually made alot of good friends there while working.

Management doesn't like me. At all. One of the managers even went as far as telling a coworker after I left that if he saw me shopping in there he was gonna personally escort me out himself. He still hasn't done it, but I'm in there multiple times a day doing orders and he follows me around. He gets LP involved and they follow me around too.

If he wanted me out so bad, why doesn't he just do it? Why play this game of trying to be intimidating and follow me every time I shop for myself or for someone else?

Can they legally kick me out for nothing? This place is seriously toxic management wise, they act all high and mighty, and for those wondering, I worked for a Kroger branch. Idk if that'll say alot but it was my first time working for Kroger. Never again lol .

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