
I Quit! by CorvidXIX: why I quit not just a specific job but all active pursuit of gainful employment

Last November I quit my decent-paying, work-from-home job and have been lying to my friends and family since. I reached a breaking point where the pursuit of gainful employment just to sustain my own existence wasn't worth it to me anymore. I've been working full-time since I was in high school and I have nothing to show for it. Worse, the stress of a life living paycheck to paycheck has changed me so much mentally and physically that I am nothing like any version of myself that I ever wanted to be. It seems pointless, destructive even, to continue down this same path: a death of spirit is as real as a death of body. So I wrote an essay, explaining how I got here and where I hope to go. Please take this journey with me: I Quit! or: How I Learned to Stop Working and Leave my Job

Last November I quit my decent-paying, work-from-home job and have been lying to my friends and family since. I reached a breaking point where the pursuit of gainful employment just to sustain my own existence wasn't worth it to me anymore.

I've been working full-time since I was in high school and I have nothing to show for it. Worse, the stress of a life living paycheck to paycheck has changed me so much mentally and physically that I am nothing like any version of myself that I ever wanted to be. It seems pointless, destructive even, to continue down this same path: a death of spirit is as real as a death of body.

So I wrote an essay, explaining how I got here and where I hope to go. Please take this journey with me:

I Quit! or: How I Learned to Stop Working and Leave my Job

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