
I quit for better and I’m happy for myself.

I’m 24 and I finally had enough. I had been working for customer service for about 5 years. I had been through the craziest stuff and the most ridiculous and have learned a lot. After I was lied to about a position for a job I wanted at a major retail store, it depressed me from start to finish. Why do I not want to work here and why don’t I like to work here anymore? It hit me; I could do better than this. When I got transferred to a new store, they lowered my pay (didn’t know til I checked my pay stub) and was working in a department I cared none for. I stayed longer than I should’ve and was depressed cuz I wanted a change and asked for it a lot, just to be told “maybe next week.” And “when I find someone who can cover…

I’m 24 and I finally had enough. I had been working for customer service for about 5 years. I had been through the craziest stuff and the most ridiculous and have learned a lot. After I was lied to about a position for a job I wanted at a major retail store, it depressed me from start to finish. Why do I not want to work here and why don’t I like to work here anymore? It hit me; I could do better than this.

When I got transferred to a new store, they lowered my pay (didn’t know til I checked my pay stub) and was working in a department I cared none for. I stayed longer than I should’ve and was depressed cuz I wanted a change and asked for it a lot, just to be told “maybe next week.” And “when I find someone who can cover you.” Over and over. Needless to say, I had enough.

I have a lot of skills in the field I’m pursing and landed a job where I’d be making twice as much as I did. Since then, I put in my two weeks and just didn’t put any effort in. I got really sick one day (had to go to urgent care), and when I told them about it, they said “oh.” followed by “make sure you work out that pallet in the back.” I said fuck it, and left right there. I feel great and I start my new job next week.

Point I’m trying to make here; don’t settle for bullshit. If you know you can do more, then go after it. Don’t sacrifice your mental for a job that doesn’t care for yours. If you need something to get by in the meantime, do what you need, but YOU COME FIRST. I’ve still got lots to learn, but I won’t let anyone make me feel and treat me like a number anymore. You are better than that and you’re worth it.

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