
I quit mid shift. Now what?

I’ve been at my company for over a year. It has been failing since the start due to no fault other than the owners. He wouldn’t communicate, would price so low we wouldn’t make any profit, and would take orders with an impossible time frame often not alerting staff after he accepted the orders until the day they were due. I only stayed because I enjoyed the work and the customers. Last week the owner came in and started screaming at me in front of the entire shop for literally no reason. This is the second time he has done that. I grew up in a toxic environment with lots of yelling and that is one thing I will not tolerate as an adult. I asked him why he was yelling, and told him if he continued to do so I would leave. He kept screaming so I walked over…

I’ve been at my company for over a year. It has been failing since the start due to no fault other than the owners. He wouldn’t communicate, would price so low we wouldn’t make any profit, and would take orders with an impossible time frame often not alerting staff after he accepted the orders until the day they were due. I only stayed because I enjoyed the work and the customers. Last week the owner came in and started screaming at me in front of the entire shop for literally no reason. This is the second time he has done that. I grew up in a toxic environment with lots of yelling and that is one thing I will not tolerate as an adult. I asked him why he was yelling, and told him if he continued to do so I would leave. He kept screaming so I walked over to my sister who also worked there and could hear his screaming over the loud embroidery machines, we got our stuff, and we left. It felt good to stick to my boundaries and to know my sister had my back. But I was really upset the owner would treat me that way after all I have done for him and his business. Taking on more responsibilities than necessary, accepting low pay, and spending a lot of extra hours their to help. Only for him to take his rage and frustration out on me. Needless to say I will never be giving a job that much of my life again…

Now I’m without work and admittedly feeling bad about it. I don’t feel bad for standing up for myself… I feel bad for being unemployed. How can I shake these feelings and stay positive while I figure the situation out.

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