
I quit my job because they refused to pay me what they told me they would.

I worked part time for about 7 months. During those months I had a slightly erratic schedule. Every couple months it'd change slightly and my managers had no real issue with this. During this period I got a total of one raise, from $11/hr to $13/hr. I had asked for $15 but was told that's a full-time wage. I had no problem with this as a student who had no real bills to pay. This was still a good bit of money I could put in my pocket. Shortly after, summer is approaching and I ask one of my 2 managers in this story about changing to full-time with a raise to $15/hr, to which he replies “Write down a proposal for the hours and wage and we'll talk.”… what??? This has never been part of the process. I typically would tell them the new schedule, and they would confirm…

I worked part time for about 7 months. During those months I had a slightly erratic schedule. Every couple months it'd change slightly and my managers had no real issue with this. During this period I got a total of one raise, from $11/hr to $13/hr. I had asked for $15 but was told that's a full-time wage. I had no problem with this as a student who had no real bills to pay. This was still a good bit of money I could put in my pocket. Shortly after, summer is approaching and I ask one of my 2 managers in this story about changing to full-time with a raise to $15/hr, to which he replies “Write down a proposal for the hours and wage and we'll talk.”… what??? This has never been part of the process. I typically would tell them the new schedule, and they would confirm with me before the day was out. For the pay change, I and my two managers would sit in an office, discuss reasonings, and I signed the paper. This was entirely out of the set protocol.

A month goes by and school lets out. Before the next pay period started, I message my primary manager (M1 from now) asking to go full time at $15/hr. He replies “Sounds good see you xday, I'll confirm with M2 about the pay”. Xday comes, and I ask M2 about the shift and he replies “should be all set” So I carry on my days, working to get my $15/hr, proudly doing my job as best I can.

My check comes in after 2 weeks and it looks light. Not lining up to what I thought I'd be making (to the tune of about $200+ short) I check and sure enough, while listed at full-time, my pay rate was never adjusted to the $15/hr I was told. I talked to M2 and asked about it, and he replies “what was the directive I gave you?” In reference to this proposal sheet. His response of “You didn't fill anything out, so I can't do anything for you”. This surprised me and I initially walked away thinking I was wrong to expect the money. And then it hit me.

Why did they let me work here full-time under the assumption I was making $15, not intending to give me the money?

I went to M1 who told me I'd get the raise, and asked what the deal was with this “proposal sheet”, why I didn't have to do it before, why if I'm already working full time, I still need to fill out this sheet containing my proposed schedule (at this point I'm working all days all hours. Approx. 49-54 hrs/week.) He says he'll talk to M2 and figure things out, that they'd come talk to me before the day was out.

Finally I get called into the office where all of these things come into question. I began by asking why I was allowed to remain under the impression of a raise. At this point, M2 is the only one talking.

M2: What did we ask of you?
-To fill out a proposal
M2: Did you do that?
-No, I was told I'd be making $15 when I switched to full time
M2: SO you didn't do what was asked of you?
-Why was I allowed to come in full time if I never filled out this sheet?
M2: Did you expect us to turn you away?

I just don't see how this has no precedent. This is an inconsistent process that you've never asked of me.

The conversation goes on in circles like this until M2 stops and asks exactly what I want from this conversation. I reply I want to be paid what I was here believing I was making, I want that $200+ I worked for. The response, verbatim was “That's not going to happen, we're not doing that for you.” Instantly I reply: then I can't be here. I left and wrote a resignation thanking the rest of the team for the opportunity, and went home where I'm now typing this out. I don't know how to feel, just upset that something like this happened in the first place. I enjoyed the job and the people, and I'm sad I won't be working with them anymore. M1 genuinely wanted me to get the money, but M2 had the final say on the matter. It makes me sad that we have only one in-house contact to corporate and payroll.

tl:dr – I was told I'd be making a certain wage, and when I was paid less than this wage I requested to be compensated and was told no, I very quickly quit my job.

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