
I quit my job the first day

There were some red flags before my first day. Like they told me remote work would be fine after a week of training in-person. Also I would need to travel to their office 30 min away from me when there are 2 other offices closer to me. But then, the week turned into 2 weeks of training with the first day being in the office 30 min away and then the office closest to me. But then, that 1 day turned into a week. Then told me that they will “see how I'm doing” after 2 weeks to see if remote was an option for me. When I got to the office I walked in and asked for my boss. The lady said she wasn't aware of me starting today but took be downstairs into this basement and opened the door to nothing but beige cubicles and bad lighting with…

There were some red flags before my first day. Like they told me remote work would be fine after a week of training in-person. Also I would need to travel to their office 30 min away from me when there are 2 other offices closer to me. But then, the week turned into 2 weeks of training with the first day being in the office 30 min away and then the office closest to me. But then, that 1 day turned into a week. Then told me that they will “see how I'm doing” after 2 weeks to see if remote was an option for me. When I got to the office I walked in and asked for my boss. The lady said she wasn't aware of me starting today but took be downstairs into this basement and opened the door to nothing but beige cubicles and bad lighting with very little natural sun light. Then I med my bosses boss and his office was dark with bad lighting and looked like something out of a horror movie. He gave me bad vibes as well. Then I met my actual boss and he was very respectful and nice and walked me over to my cubicle. It wasn't cleaned and I found a persons fingernail clipping on my desk along with dust bunnies. My coworkers seemed disinterested in me being there when we were introduced. To make the story shorter I will bypass a few other things I thought were odd. Then I took my lunch and I called my parents and told them all about it (No I don't live with them and I support myself). They told me to either finish the day and call to let them know I won't be in or to show some respect and tell my boss in-person. I chose the latter and boy was that a mistake. My boss was very respectful and calm about it. However, he had me talk to the other creepy guy in the office and we went into his office and closed the door and my boss told him that I'm leaving. This guy blew up and started screaming at me and then told me to “get the fuck out”. So I got my stuff and left. Just for reference this was an analyst position at a small community bank. I called my parents and told them what happened and they said it was good to get out of there. I also have a couple other positions that might be interested in me. However, I feel bad for leaving the job so soon and not having another lined up. Financially I have 2 years living expenses but I would prefer to not blow through that. I guess I am just wondering if I made the right call?

Any advise or interpretation is much appreciated.


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