
I quit my job with no backup plan. Im just done

Im a college student working at a supermarket full time. This job by itself made me rule out ever working for the company again. There's such a lack of consideration and respect, we're overworked and expectations keep skyrocketing, I've been written up twice in the past two weeks for bullshit reasons, and I've reached a point where I have panic attacks daily because of work if I don't dose on my meds heavily. Nothing i do is good enough anymore and it's come at a huge expense to my overall health. Im done. I put in my resignation and in a few days, i don't have to deal with this anymore. The 14/hr isn't nearly enough to justify this shit. I don't have another job waiting. I'm fortunate enough to have enough savings to not worry about this for a while if I need a big break. Im just so…

Im a college student working at a supermarket full time. This job by itself made me rule out ever working for the company again. There's such a lack of consideration and respect, we're overworked and expectations keep skyrocketing, I've been written up twice in the past two weeks for bullshit reasons, and I've reached a point where I have panic attacks daily because of work if I don't dose on my meds heavily. Nothing i do is good enough anymore and it's come at a huge expense to my overall health. Im done. I put in my resignation and in a few days, i don't have to deal with this anymore. The 14/hr isn't nearly enough to justify this shit. I don't have another job waiting. I'm fortunate enough to have enough savings to not worry about this for a while if I need a big break. Im just so tired of being treated as sub-human at work and blamed for everything (including lower sales! instead of y'know… jacking up the prices? sure, its just me). As a nice little bit of icing on the shit-cake- my managers are freaking out because of people quitting left and right. I can hope this will make them realize something is seriously wrong with how they manage, but I know it won't. It feels nice regardless.

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