
I quit the best job. Did I make a huge mistake?

I absolutely loved my job. It was a sales position that had a 3 days at the office, 2 days from home mix that usually worked really well for me. Between my coworker and I working the same position, I got the most sales every month, the most appointments scheduled, and the best reviews from our customers. Because of this, and since I had been with the company for over a year, I decided I would ask for a raise. When I asked my manager for a raise she said “You should qualify for a cost of living raise. I will talk to the other manager about it and let you know!” A week goes by, and I never heard back. So I decided to inquire, but apparently my coworker and I don't qualify for raises since we work on mostly commission. That's fine, a little annoying, but whatever. That…

I absolutely loved my job. It was a sales position that had a 3 days at the office, 2 days from home mix that usually worked really well for me.
Between my coworker and I working the same position, I got the most sales every month, the most appointments scheduled, and the best reviews from our customers. Because of this, and since I had been with the company for over a year, I decided I would ask for a raise.
When I asked my manager for a raise she said “You should qualify for a cost of living raise. I will talk to the other manager about it and let you know!”
A week goes by, and I never heard back. So I decided to inquire, but apparently my coworker and I don't qualify for raises since we work on mostly commission. That's fine, a little annoying, but whatever.
That same month, I approach my manager that I am possibly going on a trip with a friend for a few weeks. I only have 2 weeks of vacation, so on my vacation, I wanted to work 3 days of the week. My friend I would be going with was planning to also work remotely, but 5 days of the week and already got it approved by his job. I already spoke with my coworker, and she was comfortable with me working those 3 days remotely each week, and then being off the rest of the week while there. I just needed my manager to give the OK, before booking the trip. When I talked to her about the idea, she said she thought it should be fine, as long as I had the PTO to schedule the days I wouldn't be working.
So I scheduled my 3 week trip out of the country.
A couple weeks later, she pulled me into her office to tell me she wasn't too comfortable with me working while on vacation, and maybe I should work only one or two days instead. Okay, fine. A little annoying, but I barely had the PTO to fit that in.
Another week or two goes by, and she comes into our office while we're working on things, and when my coworker leaves she says “So I found out about your trip. Our Division President doesn't want you to work on your vacation.” When I asked why, apparently it's because they don't want to set the precedence that it's okay to work from anywhere. Now I'm upset. Before I spent money on the trip I made sure to clear it first, and I didn't want to leave my coworker on her own for 3 weeks either. Now I would be leaving her on her own for 3 weeks, and I didn't have the PTO to cover 3 full weeks. Between all of this, and this particular manager also not supporting me sometimes working from home for mental health reasons, I quit.
Did I over react?

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