
I ran away from my job

I (22f) just ran away from my blue collar job (warehousing) that I’ve been working since I was 18. They came up to us an hour before hometime and told us we had mandatory overtime. That, combined with the authoritarian management asshats giving me shit for not “being at optimal production” in a 25 degree warehouse, sweating my ass off, lifting heavy shit all day; I was just fucking done. I grabbed my shit, grabbed a garbage bag, emptied out my locker, and left without a word. I wonder what they’re thinking right now lol

I (22f) just ran away from my blue collar job (warehousing) that I’ve been working since I was 18. They came up to us an hour before hometime and told us we had mandatory overtime. That, combined with the authoritarian management asshats giving me shit for not “being at optimal production” in a 25 degree warehouse, sweating my ass off, lifting heavy shit all day; I was just fucking done. I grabbed my shit, grabbed a garbage bag, emptied out my locker, and left without a word. I wonder what they’re thinking right now lol

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