
I realized I don’t want to work and I want a rich “mommy”

For many years I thought I had weird “femdom” fantasies and i was concerned until i realize – all my fantasies were boiling down to the same scenario – I have a rich and powerful woman as a boss, and I don't have to do anything all day because of nepotism, or I don't even have to work at all. I just live in her mansion. You think the fantasies are about “Femdom” but it's all about me not having to work anymore and just being a flower husband all day. And what would I do after the whole sex scene plays out? I would….probably practice yoga…or learn massages. And play video games and like be a writer. In fact I hope it happens. I hope I am a flower husband of a rich woman (who of course in the fantasies is always super curvy) and I just write spicy…

For many years I thought I had weird “femdom” fantasies and i was concerned until i realize – all my fantasies were boiling down to the same scenario – I have a rich and powerful woman as a boss, and I don't have to do anything all day because of nepotism, or I don't even have to work at all. I just live in her mansion. You think the fantasies are about “Femdom” but it's all about me not having to work anymore and just being a flower husband all day.

And what would I do after the whole sex scene plays out? I would….probably practice yoga…or learn massages. And play video games and like be a writer. In fact I hope it happens. I hope I am a flower husband of a rich woman (who of course in the fantasies is always super curvy) and I just write spicy memes on my blog or vlog all day, getting some ad revenue and donations for being funny.

and getting kissing from my wife for being funny.

So, if you are a woman that wants to have a career, and GRIND and be a respected manager one day, and use all that money for like a paris vacation and a newer SUV…good for you sister! Good for you! Im happy you are not a lazy housewife that doesnt work.

I married the CEO woman, but good for you! I could have been a manager, but chose to be a flower husband instead. Good for you becoming a respected woman on linkedin etc (:

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