
I really wish some employers could answer this nagging question I have about this need for your employee’s work lives to seep into their personal lives as well.

Maybe I am completely mistaken here, but it seems like there was a time when there were clear lines between work life and personal life. Nowadays employers want you using your personal social media sites to advertise. They want you to add them and your co-workers to your social media. They want you attending work parties/functions after hours or on your days off. They want everyone to have lunch together as a group for “lunch meetings” instead of letting everyone have that time for themselves to decompress as they see fit. They text/call you when you’re at home on your day off, or it’s 9pm at night and you’re going to bed, and expect you to answer. And if you do not comply with any of of the above mentioned things, (don’t want to add colleagues on your social media, don’t want to attend a work function on your day…

Maybe I am completely mistaken here, but it seems like there was a time when there were clear lines between work life and personal life.

Nowadays employers want you using your personal social media sites to advertise. They want you to add them and your co-workers to your social media. They want you attending work parties/functions after hours or on your days off. They want everyone to have lunch together as a group for “lunch meetings” instead of letting everyone have that time for themselves to decompress as they see fit. They text/call you when you’re at home on your day off, or it’s 9pm at night and you’re going to bed, and expect you to answer. And if you do not comply with any of of the above mentioned things, (don’t want to add colleagues on your social media, don’t want to attend a work function on your day off or after hours, don’t want your personal social media to be a free advertising platform for your company, want to spend your lunches alone, ignore the call/text from your boss at 9PM on a work night or on your day off, etc. you’re “not a team player” no matter how good your work ethic and reliability is when you are on the clock. You’re now lower on the scale, even below people who work less hard than you, because you don’t want to be a social damn butterfly with your co-workers).

I don’t know if any of you reading this are employers that do this, probably not on this forum. But I just need to ask why? Why isn’t it enough that your employees are giving a full 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and working hard? You need them every few Saturday‘s too? You need them to stay late at least one day a week? And some of us are introverts and we need our lunch hour to get away from people. Especially if we are customer service. Why do you expect your employees to use their own personal social media to make you more money? And why on God’s green earth does it matter if some of your employees have a policy for themselves that they don’t want to add colleagues on their social media?

Are people not entitled to free time and space anymore? Are we do breathe, eat, sleep work? There is work life, and there is personal life. We have got to stop blurring that line!!!

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