
I rejoined the workforce a month ago.

I had been at-home freelancing even before the pandami'. Due to personal reasons, I have gone back out and gotten an in-person job which (in the job posting) offered the prospect of some remote work. I knew it was going to be mostly in-person. Here are some of the insane things my younger-than-me [37F] supervisor has said in just the past several days. re: me offering to remote-in for a meeting b/c I live an hour away. “It's just too much of a pain in the ass.” re: asking her to reply “going” to a FB event in order to help the promo (I'm in charge of marketing). “I can't because I'm a group admin.” After clarifying that yes, in fact, you can, if you change who you're responding as. “I'm not ACTUALLY going, so it would feel weird.” Me: can I move my desk space closer to the door…

I had been at-home freelancing even before the pandami'.

Due to personal reasons, I have gone back out and gotten an in-person job which (in the job posting) offered the prospect of some remote work. I knew it was going to be mostly in-person.

Here are some of the insane things my younger-than-me [37F] supervisor has said in just the past several days.

re: me offering to remote-in for a meeting b/c I live an hour away.
“It's just too much of a pain in the ass.”

re: asking her to reply “going” to a FB event in order to help the promo (I'm in charge of marketing).
“I can't because I'm a group admin.”
After clarifying that yes, in fact, you can, if you change who you're responding as.
“I'm not ACTUALLY going, so it would feel weird.”

Me: can I move my desk space closer to the door customers use so I can see them, rather than jump up every time the door chimes? (others in the company have REFUSED to do exactly this, while I am saying I would prefer it for me personally, and they are asking me to be a primary support in customer service).
her: “If we put a desk out there, then it will need to staffed ALL THE TIME.”
No explanation why. WHY does a desk need to be staffed “all the time”? Why is that better than no desk? Why is that better than an empty room, and me running in from elsewhere? Why is this different than the other times you've tried to staff the room?

I'm getting better at spotting red flags. I think I'll stay here for about a year, keep my head down, then peace.

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