
I reported my supervisor to the ethics committee

The company I work for has a union but its useless because most of the reps are friends with management. So my supervisor can get away with consistently testing union policy. She would try to bar me from going on break before I fished something that would take most of my shift. She would change the schedule last minute without talk to me and then try to get me in trouble for not coming in on a day I was previously scheduled off. About two months after I started a special needs employee who is almost completely nonverbal switched to our department from another. I began to see a pattern of her telling him he couldn't go on break or leave until he finishes something. He would of course listen because, unlike the rest of us, he doesn't realize he can brush her of without getting in trouble because she's…

The company I work for has a union but its useless because most of the reps are friends with management. So my supervisor can get away with consistently testing union policy. She would try to bar me from going on break before I fished something that would take most of my shift. She would change the schedule last minute without talk to me and then try to get me in trouble for not coming in on a day I was previously scheduled off.
About two months after I started a special needs employee who is almost completely nonverbal switched to our department from another. I began to see a pattern of her telling him he couldn't go on break or leave until he finishes something. He would of course listen because, unlike the rest of us, he doesn't realize he can brush her of without getting in trouble because she's actually violating federal and union policy. I started to get suspicious that she was taking advantage of him so I started talking to him more, and because everyone else in the department ignored him. I talked to him often enough that he would occasionally give me a short, quite reply. I made the mistake of doing it front of our supervisor and the short overlap we would have each shift disappeared completely. My coworker kept saying”she separates friendlies.” But I can't help but feel there was more to it this time. Fast forward to last week- she changed the schedule last second without speaking with me and expected me to come in on my day off with one days notice so I took three days off instead. When I came back everyone kept telling me she was yelling at him on the sales floor. This kid is extremely sweet and, like I said, almost completely nonverbal and doesn't deserve any of this. So I got the number and website info for our ethics department from a coworker and I reported it. My coworkers have also started reporting her for bullying them directly. Hopefully I hear back from them soon.

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