
I resigned without notice but not without messing the boss over hard

Obligatory phone user apology I thought I'd share my story of how I left one of my previous jobs. For some context, I live in Australia and worked in the highest grossing bottle shop in my state 5 years ago . Coincidentally, the manager of this store turned out to be a mutual friend of my current housemate but my boss didn't know this at the time of my work there. I'm also a homosexual and so was my boss (You'll understand why I mentioned this later). TLDR: My boss groped me, took advantage of the team and humiliated us in front of customers. He proceeds to schedule me to work on a day that was approved leave by him. I take that time to write up a resignation effective immediately at a time that gives him minimal time to find coverage as he was going on leave. This boss…

Obligatory phone user apology

I thought I'd share my story of how I left one of my previous jobs. For some context, I live in Australia and worked in the highest grossing bottle shop in my state 5 years ago . Coincidentally, the manager of this store turned out to be a mutual friend of my current housemate but my boss didn't know this at the time of my work there. I'm also a homosexual and so was my boss (You'll understand why I mentioned this later).

TLDR: My boss groped me, took advantage of the team and humiliated us in front of customers. He proceeds to schedule me to work on a day that was approved leave by him. I take that time to write up a resignation effective immediately at a time that gives him minimal time to find coverage as he was going on leave.

This boss of mine was the epitome of a rotten human and a horrible leader. I learnt of many horrible things from my housemate about him during my time there. This guy had multiple warnings from the area manager over disgusting things he has done:

1) After the Christmas period of 2017, the area manager gifted us with 50 dollar gift vouchers to thank us for the hard work. The problem is, we never received these. How do I know all this? Well, my boss forgot to log out of his email before he left the store to me one day and I saw all the gift card templates with each of the team members names in his inbox. I tried to claim mine, what do you know? It's already used. Tried another co-worker's, also used. So I reported it to the Union and the area manager got quite the beating from them. It was all confirmed to be my boss who claimed them.

2) His second warning was in relation to humiliating team members in front of customers. He called it 'critical feedback' but customers called him out on his humiliation tactics. Luckily, the team never needed to report this as multiple customers that witnessed the humiliation reported him to corporate which then came back down to the area manager.

3) His third warning was in relation to myself. He groped me multiple times under the guise of 'hugging' or 'playing around'. Him and his assistant manager (who he called his gay best friend) played around like this alot. One of those gropes was a slap on my ass and then run off like a “sissy” as he called it. I warned him the first time about it but he wouldn't stop. So I got the camera footage of him doing it and sent it to the area manager. After all that, the area manager wanted to chat with me about these acts. He mentioned that my boss tried to justify himself under the guise of “we're both gay and it's how we joke”.

My boss disappeared for about a month after the third warning so I was at peace for a bit. My final straw was when he scheduled me to work on short notice on a day that was personal leave approved by him, for a wedding 4 months in advanced. I learnt of this the day before my leave so I planned my resignation effective immediately. The worst part of all this was that he told me to find someone to cover my shift which isn't right according to the Union. I didn't end up finding someone to cover but I did call all my co workers to tell them what is happening and that I apologise for the inconvenience this might cause them at work. I ended up getting spammed with calls and texts from my boss that leave day asking why I haven't opened the store.

I decided to resign in writing over email at 5am from the following day for a week that I believe he was on leave for. I was scheduled to open the store that whole week in his place. My phone got pummelled with texts and calls from him that day and he was begging for me to reconsider. I told him to the fuck right off and good luck finding someone that does what I do!

He ended up resigning immediately after that call. I knew this through my housemate who took a call from him having a breakdown. He still didn't know we're mutuals. Granted, my housemate did think I could've gone about it in a more professional manner and I did feel bad at times. This sub gave me the affirmation that I have no need to feel bad.

Thank you all! I apologise for the massive post.

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