
I sold my urine to a loyal customer and got written up

A regular came in (he must spend 300$ a week) and pulled me aside and asked when the last time I smoked weed was. I told him I’ve never smoked weed. He asked when the last time I drank was. I told him this past weekend. He offered me $20 if I would piss into a Mountain Dew bottle and give it to him. It was a no brainer so I did it. He made a joke about it the next day and my boss threatened to fire me and wrote me up. The guy spends roughly $15,000 a year here and I’m getting in trouble for making a quick $20 to help him out??

A regular came in (he must spend 300$ a week) and pulled me aside and asked when the last time I smoked weed was. I told him I’ve never smoked weed. He asked when the last time I drank was. I told him this past weekend. He offered me $20 if I would piss into a Mountain Dew bottle and give it to him. It was a no brainer so I did it. He made a joke about it the next day and my boss threatened to fire me and wrote me up. The guy spends roughly $15,000 a year here and I’m getting in trouble for making a quick $20 to help him out??

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