
I spent all day yesterday preparing for a job interview. The interviewer never showed up, and didn’t even apologise. She never even mentioned anything about her not showing up.

I sat there, having skipped a meal and fully dressed up in front of my desk, waiting for an hour. I'd already had a gut feeling that morning that this interview was not going to happen, and I was right – not only did she never show up, but HOURS later, she responded to my last message simply asking if Monday next week will work for me. That was it. No apology. No mention, even, about her being completely absent. Directly above her unbelievable reply, I had messaged her twice: 1) asking where she was, 30 minutes into waiting, 2) saying that I'll be leaving now, an hour into waiting, as she was nowhere to be seen. And they aren't even the only red flags. The days leading up to the interview, she: Changed the dates on me twice Spelt my name wrong Completely ignored all my questions, instead giving…

I sat there, having skipped a meal and fully dressed up in front of my desk, waiting for an hour. I'd already had a gut feeling that morning that this interview was not going to happen, and I was right – not only did she never show up, but HOURS later, she responded to my last message simply asking if Monday next week will work for me.

That was it. No apology. No mention, even, about her being completely absent. Directly above her unbelievable reply, I had messaged her twice: 1) asking where she was, 30 minutes into waiting, 2) saying that I'll be leaving now, an hour into waiting, as she was nowhere to be seen.

And they aren't even the only red flags. The days leading up to the interview, she:

  • Changed the dates on me twice

  • Spelt my name wrong

  • Completely ignored all my questions, instead giving me short replies that had nothing to do with what I said (whereas I sent reasonably lengthy messages every time)

  • Didn't even give me the link to our virtual interview, even though I asked TWICE about this way in advance

I was desperate for this job in particular as it ticks off many much-needed boxes for me, but after this, I just feel like an idiot for even trying. I haven't replied to her yet – I'm tempted to attend the rescheduled interview, but I feel like that'd just solidify me as a doormat, even though I only need this job for 6 months. Not sure what I feel or want to do from here.

The funniest thing, is that this isn't even a job with any regular old company. It's their country's part of a massive global organisation that everyone knows the name of. You'd think they'd have employees with better time management and manners to keep up that charitable image.

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