
I started this new job but the trainer has lost her badge not allowing us to be able to access the locations of the establishment to do our job;

The first 2 days this happened they paid me for the full day because it wasn't my fault she lost the badge but now they are just telling me not to come in basically until she gets a new badge. And she doesn't even know if she wants to get one because it's $110. She is the only trainer on this shift it's literally just me and her. I'm still waiting for my badge to come in the time for that varies because of the background check.. I know no work is being done but I still feel like I should be compensated for this because it's not my fault she fucked up, luckily this is my 2nd job but if this was my main source of income I'd be fucked at the moment.. Do they have to pay me?

The first 2 days this happened they paid me for the full day because it wasn't my fault she lost the badge but now they are just telling me not to come in basically until she gets a new badge. And she doesn't even know if she wants to get one because it's $110. She is the only trainer on this shift it's literally just me and her.
I'm still waiting for my badge to come in the time for that varies because of the background check..
I know no work is being done but I still feel like I should be compensated for this because it's not my fault she fucked up, luckily this is my 2nd job but if this was my main source of income I'd be fucked at the moment..
Do they have to pay me?

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