
I stole from my job… and I don’t feel any regret

Just to be clear, I don't endorse stealing, and i think there are more constructive ways of dealing with bad bosses. That being said… Fuck my manager and my boss… I worked at a family owned jewelry store. My boss promoted her son to be manager and he just started fucking every employee. I worked extra hours and came on my day off so I can go to vacation worry free. Well, he didn't see right to pay me those hours I worked extra and after a fight in which he yelled at me in front of the customers, I just returned to my office. Now, I was in charge of inventory and IT, so every jewel we sell had to pass through my station. There were several defective pieces that my boss just forgets about, they're just there… So I took them… I was the most trustworthy employee they…

Just to be clear, I don't endorse stealing, and i think there are more constructive ways of dealing with bad bosses.

That being said… Fuck my manager and my boss…
I worked at a family owned jewelry store. My boss promoted her son to be manager and he just started fucking every employee. I worked extra hours and came on my day off so I can go to vacation worry free. Well, he didn't see right to pay me those hours I worked extra and after a fight in which he yelled at me in front of the customers, I just returned to my office.

Now, I was in charge of inventory and IT, so every jewel we sell had to pass through my station. There were several defective pieces that my boss just forgets about, they're just there… So I took them…

I was the most trustworthy employee they had and after they disrespected me that way, i just took what I could and left. It's been a month since quitting and i don't feel any regret… They fucked me for a couple hundred bucks, and karma is a bitch because their business is now crumbling…

Edit… There has been a lot of comments that i should use a throwaway. Also I'm the only one on my social circle that uses reddit and my social media has a different name… So I'm not worried.
Also i live in a country that no one would give a shit about stolen jewelry, specially cheap rings. My mom got several pieces stolen and even with audio proof the police did jack shit.

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