
I switched to a job where my employer actually respects his employees

So a bit of back story about my previous employer. When I joined the company it was a super chill place to work, nice projects, no fuss about getting some days off, no complaints if you didn't want to work overtime. And then management decided they wanted to make more money. I didn't get a single holiday in the past two years, overtime was downright mandatory, if you didn't work overtime they would retaliate by putting you on the worst possible jobs. Nobody got an increase to their salary no matter their performance. I even had a colleague who couldn't make ends meet (while working 60 hours a week) and asked for a minor increase so he could live paycheck to paycheck. They told him he was allowed to work more hours if he needed the money. Two months back I decided I had enough and went looking for something…

So a bit of back story about my previous employer.
When I joined the company it was a super chill place to work, nice projects, no fuss about getting some days off, no complaints if you didn't want to work overtime.
And then management decided they wanted to make more money. I didn't get a single holiday in the past two years, overtime was downright mandatory, if you didn't work overtime they would retaliate by putting you on the worst possible jobs. Nobody got an increase to their salary no matter their performance. I even had a colleague who couldn't make ends meet (while working 60 hours a week) and asked for a minor increase so he could live paycheck to paycheck. They told him he was allowed to work more hours if he needed the money.

Two months back I decided I had enough and went looking for something else. Which brings me to my new employer, this company is amazing, at the end of the first interview he asked me what he need to pay me to get me to sign. I asked for 20% more than what I was making, he countered with 30% because he didn't want me to make less than the other employees. He also offered a whole bunch of benefits that I didn't have at my old job.

The next day I handed in my resignation.
Apperently they couldn't afford the lose me so they would give me anything I wanted.
I asked for the same increase and for two weeks of vacation this summer. Their counter was 10% and no vacation because they really needed me on a project.
My response : “I know you really can't miss me, but from tomorrow you're gonna have to try anyway, I'm using up all my vacation days and I'm leaving”

That was the best decision I made in a long time, last week was my first day at my new job, they threw a dinner party to introduce me, I have a bunch of colleagues that are passionate about their job and are fun to work with.

Don't be afraid to switch jobs, they're plenty of companies out there that do care about their employees

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