
I think I caused the newest email at work to be sent out and I’m pissed

I’m sorry this is long and if this is the wrong place for this please go ahead and delete. It get like it fit here because I thought I was working for a good company but now I’m seeing flaws and not sure what to do. So I work for a tax and consulting company that specializes in independent contractors. I’m in the consulting department. Most days I love my job but days like today make my job frustrating and I honestly sometimes just want to walk out. I answered a queue call today (23rd) and spoke to a client who was just checking to see where his taxes were in the process as he’s trying to get a house and they’ve (his lender) been calling him to find out an ETA on when they’ll be done. So I pull up his account see that it’s been sitting in a…

I’m sorry this is long and if this is the wrong place for this please go ahead and delete. It get like it fit here because I thought I was working for a good company but now I’m seeing flaws and not sure what to do.

So I work for a tax and consulting company that specializes in independent contractors. I’m in the consulting department. Most days I love my job but days like today make my job frustrating and I honestly sometimes just want to walk out.

I answered a queue call today (23rd) and spoke to a client who was just checking to see where his taxes were in the process as he’s trying to get a house and they’ve (his lender) been calling him to find out an ETA on when they’ll be done.

So I pull up his account see that it’s been sitting in a process since Friday (17th) not uncommon however it had been moved to hot on that same day. Hot takes priority over other cases, this means it shouldn’t be sitting this long before it’s been touched by this department. So I let the client know I would check to see if they had started it yet but that it does have to go through the process. He had no issues with my answer.

Directly after this we had a team meeting, my boss asked if we had any clients calling in asking questions and I brought up this account and said I planned to check in with the person doing recon. My boss said nothing other than just clarifying that I was going to check on the case. Ended the meeting and I called the recon person after.

He’s one of our associates that works remotely so I’ve never actually met him, this was the first time I talked to him since starting in September of 2021.

With it being tax season I know they’re swamped, so I introduced myself and then explained the situation and while I didn’t mean to I realized I hadn’t given him the code needed to find the client. So I paused to find it and he started getting snippy with me about needing it (and I realized for next time to start with that) I gave him the code.

He then starts going on a tangent about how he just got this case and we just got the TO (also on the 17th) and some other stuff. I literally go “I’m just seeing if you had seen that it was hot and just wanted to see if you had a chance to start on it” or something like that. I was very calm, I never even asked him to work on it then I was just seeing if he had seen it had been changed priority wise (hot trumps almost anything else) He just got so short with me, went on a tangent on how many cases he has to do and that I need to explain the process to the client and just so much shit not needed. When I got off the phone with him apparently I had hit my breaking point, I had other calls this week that made things rough and this sent me into involuntary tears.

I told one of my coworkers about this so later when he got an email (from his boss) as a reminder to the teams to essentially contact the tax leads not the recon people directly, he showed it to me. I’m honestly so confused now because if this is how it should be I don’t get why my boss never said anything when I mentioned talking to the reconciler.

We have another meeting tomorrow and I’m trying to figure out if I should say something or not. Our phone calls are recorded so even if I do go to her about it I know the recon person can’t say I’m lying about his tone and choices of words. But I also don’t want to cause issues. Like all I was doing was help getting some answers for a client to keep them happy which they are big on customer service and going above and beyond for clients. Any advice would be great.

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