
I think I was wrongfully terminated and I don’t know what to do

Apologies for how long this is about to be or if this isn't the right place to be posting. I want to include as many details as possible. Basically I was a waitress and I have Mondays and Thursdays blocked off on my availability so I am available to work 5 days a week. I am moving soon and wanted to pick up shifts so in the app we use for scheduling I was trying to figure out how to work the “auto shift pickup” where the second anyone releases their shift so they can't work, I would be the first to try and cover that shift and from there, management would have to approve it. On Monday, I accidentally activated it whilst trying to figure out how to work it and it had me pick up a shift that night. I cancelled the shift pickup immediately so they could…

Apologies for how long this is about to be or if this isn't the right place to be posting. I want to include as many details as possible.

Basically I was a waitress and I have Mondays and Thursdays blocked off on my availability so I am available to work 5 days a week. I am moving soon and wanted to pick up shifts so in the app we use for scheduling I was trying to figure out how to work the “auto shift pickup” where the second anyone releases their shift so they can't work, I would be the first to try and cover that shift and from there, management would have to approve it. On Monday, I accidentally activated it whilst trying to figure out how to work it and it had me pick up a shift that night. I cancelled the shift pickup immediately so they could not approve me and I wouldn't have to work. I got automatic emails saying at 11:39 am I picked up the shift and at 11:39 am I released the shift again. I got an email at 12:29 saying the manager is making me work the shift that night. I then released the shift at 12:31 when I saw the email and I posted on the facebook page we have to discuss trading shifts and whatnot that I made a mistake and can't work.

No one picked up the shift so I had to call out, 2 hours before my shift started. I did just that and I told manager A that I accidentally picked up the shift but I can't work it because I had a free lance dog training client I had to work with on the beach. Later that night, I was at the beach finishing up training when I took a video of the dog and the sunset and posted it on my snapchat. The snapchat made its way to the manager who is known to play favorites with a couple employees, one of which had to work in my place that night because she was On Call.

Tuesday night I showed up for my shift only to get brought into the office by Manager M and he had Manager A come as well. There he started off with yelling at me for ditching work to go to the beach and he said that I lied and told Manager A that I was working elsewhere when I was very clear while calling out that I was going to be training at the beach. I told him that’s not true, I didn’t lie once and I followed every procedure to calling out and didn’t break any rules. I also was repeatedly asking why he approved me for a shift he knew I couldn’t work because it was (a) on my off day and (b) I cancelled the pickup and explained the whole situation on facebook. He never answered my question and he finally said “go home, you’re fucking fired” and then I started asking what he was talking about and why and he terminated me in the system and said “go fucking home you’re fucking done here”. I really need help because it’s the start of the month and due to unforeseen circumstances last month my savings has been depleted. I have $50 to my name and I have to pay $900 today for rent and student loans, $300 next week for car insurance and my car payment, and I don’t even know how I can survive right now. Please, any advice is helpful. I have already applied to four other serving jobs and three various other jobs. I also have never had any warnings or issues in the year I have worked at this job, no other call outs where this could’ve been the last straw.

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