
I think I’m going to quit my job with nothing else lined up PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR ADVICE/OPINION

I’ve been going back and forth with this idea for months now. I started a new job in august after working for the same organisation since I left school. I thought the change would be good for me and push me in a new direction to start a career but it has done the complete opposite. It has completely ruined my mental health to the point where I’m now on antidepressants after rejecting them from my doctor and therapist for 6 years. It did however push me to finally apply and get accepted to start college. I was always scared of going to college for money reasons after I got used to a regular income for so long but I’ve decided just to go for it now and I start in august. I don’t think I can keep pushing on with my job until then though so I’m considering just…

I’ve been going back and forth with this idea for months now. I started a new job in august after working for the same organisation since I left school. I thought the change would be good for me and push me in a new direction to start a career but it has done the complete opposite. It has completely ruined my mental health to the point where I’m now on antidepressants after rejecting them from my doctor and therapist for 6 years. It did however push me to finally apply and get accepted to start college. I was always scared of going to college for money reasons after I got used to a regular income for so long but I’ve decided just to go for it now and I start in august. I don’t think I can keep pushing on with my job until then though so I’m considering just quitting with nothing else to go to. I have been applying for any job I can find but don’t seem to be getting anywhere, probably because jobs are hard to come by now. I would obviously continue trying to find a job if I did quit but I just don’t think I can do another day at my current company. We work 6 days a week and don’t get any break on our shifts. We are expected to stay late without pay and get there early without pay. I know deep down I should just leave but obviously I’m scared. I want opinions. What should I do? Should I just go for it?

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