
I think it’s time to start contacting these companies

Stop me if this has already been suggested, but I've been moved to action by many of these posts in this sub. When people post info revealing their company management to be evil assholes, I plan on contacting the company to ask what the fuck is wrong with them. I won't be including any info that would make it possible to identify the employee or person who posted here, but I will be raising hell until I get an acknowledgement from these companies. Thoughts?

Stop me if this has already been suggested, but I've been moved to action by many of these posts in this sub. When people post info revealing their company management to be evil assholes, I plan on contacting the company to ask what the fuck is wrong with them. I won't be including any info that would make it possible to identify the employee or person who posted here, but I will be raising hell until I get an acknowledgement from these companies. Thoughts?

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