
I think my last employer is still stealing from me after 3 months after leaving the company… Advice? Suggestions?

So I have no idea where to post this – I posted in /legaladvice, but no traction yet. I have no idea how to look this up or who to contact about it so any help pointing me in the right direction is appreciated.. So this is what happened: I have been with this company for 4+ years. I resigned via email May 25th, 2022 due to family reasons. I emailed my manager and never received any kind of message back. The only reason I know she received it was because she blocked all access to my company email. Not even a goodbye or anything, but that’s besides the point. The last few checks were received without my knowledge due to no deposit being made in my account. I only noticed that these were here today when looking over my ADP pay statements as I just received an odd email…

So I have no idea where to post this – I posted in /legaladvice, but no traction yet. I have no idea how to look this up or who to contact about it so any help pointing me in the right direction is appreciated..

So this is what happened:

I have been with this company for 4+ years. I resigned via email May 25th, 2022 due to family reasons. I emailed my manager and never received any kind of message back. The only reason I know she received it was because she blocked all access to my company email. Not even a goodbye or anything, but that’s besides the point.

The last few checks were received without my knowledge due to no deposit being made in my account. I only noticed that these were here today when looking over my ADP pay statements as I just received an odd email about a pay statement being available, but my current job has my pay date as next week.

Last normal check for reference:
May 27, 2022
Take home: $1,050.33
Deductions: $312.90 (FSA: $36.84, Medical: $63.50, Dental: $7.50, Vision: $5.84, etc.)
^ This was normal, with my federal tax withholding being around $100+

These were the suspicious checks and deduction amounts I found:

June 10, 2022
Take home: $0
Deductions: $87.66 (FSA: $36.84, Medical: $45.46, Dental: $0, Vision: $5.84, etc.)

June 10, 2022
Take home:$107.77
Deductions: $34.43 (FSA: $0, Medical: $18.04, Dental: $7.50, Vision: $0, etc. )
(This was for my PTO, not sure why it isn’t on the same pay statement, but I did have to message them and ask them for it, that could be why)

June 24, 2022
Take home: $0
Deductions: $40.07 (FSA: $33.90, Medical: $0, Dental: $0, Vision: $5.84, etc. )
(This was for my overtime and commission…)

August 5, 2022
Take home: $453.32
Deductions: $453.32 (FSA: $181.26, Medical: $265.91, Dental: $32.34, Vision: $30.29, etc.) <- LITERALLY WHAT HAPPENED HERE WITH THE DEDUCTIONS

Now what in the world is going on? I have not worked since before May 25th and I have been receiving checks that is money I rightfully worked for like my overtime, PTO earned, commission, etc. yet it’s all split up and deducted almost fully.

I was a manager there and never signed anything I didn’t read regarding my pay. (I even took a pay-cut from $25.56/hr down to $18/hr to have a full time job and because they were desperate as everyone was quitting.) In addition to that, the company policy was to fully payout any employee within 5 business days after their departure from the company. On my work verification, it says I am no longer with the company, but have been getting steady paychecks that they seem to be stealing. It has been three months now. I emailed the company, but no response.

Basically: Is there a reason for my paychecks being split up over 3 months after leaving the company? Is there a valid reason why my deductions shot up so high? Can they legally steal my overtime, PTO, and commission like that?

My main question is this: What can I legally do to get my hard worked money back?

TLDR; I have been receiving checks that are split up and almost fully deducted from for over 3 months after separating from my company when the policy is to payout separated employees within 5 business days of separation. I need legal advice on how to handle this going forward or who to contact.

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